Page 36 of Eat. Prey. Love.
“I know, right?” I grumble as my arms tighten around our bunny. “I have too many things to learn to kick your ancient asses. It’s very time consuming.”
Felix puts his hand over his mouth, muffling his laughter, and I glare at him. “Fitz, you don’t have to compete with them. Fuck, wecan’t, man. They have ridiculous amounts of time on us.”
“Plus, I love you how you are, Crazypants,” Baby Girl says as she wiggles. “You try everything and don’t give a single shit if you’re good at it or not. And your stalking might worry some people, but I like that you want to be with me all the time. It makes me feel… cherished.”
“Good thing otherwise he’d end up in jail,” the dragon mutters into his scotch. “He’s almost attached to you like a damn shadow.”
I shrug, grinning widely at them all. “Don’t be jelly, guys. I keep eyes on you all, too. Can’t have my bros-in-law and my other mate unsafe. I’m just less obvious with checking on you ‘cause you don’t dig it like our girl does.”
The Hot-Headed Gila Monster glares at me, his expression cautious. “You spy on us all the time, too?”
“Don’t get twisted, buddy. I still don’t know what the fuck you two fuckers eat, and I didn’t know about your little secret until you gave it up, did I?” My lashes bat as I look at him innocently. “I’m keeping tabs, but not that closely.”
Chess finally pulls out of our grip, moving to clear the dishes. “Since I cooked, you assholes need to help me load up and clear this stuff. I’ll pack up the leftovers in lunch bentos if you do.”
Oooh. I love when he makes me care packages for later.
“Well, don’t sit here like mold growing, guys. Who doesn’t want Chessie’s hot lunches for the rest of the week?” I clap my hands as I shoot to my feet, setting our girl on hers. “You go get ready for that bath, Baby Girl, and we’ll help Chessie. I’ll be in very soon.”
She kisses my cheek, then hits up the other four, giggling when each of us grope her. “Thanks, Fitzy. I’ll get my hair tied up and head for the bath with my stupid textbook.”
I watch her skip off, then turn to the dragon, cheetah, and my brother with dark eyes. “Now that she's gone… We need to keep an eye out for that skank who threatened her. O’ Learys are Council fuckers and they have pull. If that little wretch tells her parents who the competition is, I guarantee it will get back to Dolly’s cuntfaced mother. She doesn’t need any more problems.”
“Agreed, Fitzgerald,” Aubrey says as he lifts up the platter of meat to take it to the back counter. “I don’t like her garnering another rival so well connected. Between the other problems at this school and this, our planner keeps filling. It will become unmanageable.”
I grin fangily. “It won’t if you all quit putting me on a fucking leash. I could clear players off before anyone even knew they were missing.”
“That draws too much attention, Fitz. Threats and light maiming are working fine.” Felix pauses for a moment. “Perhaps that would be a good choice if this O’ Leary keeps bothering Princess. Take her claws one by one—it will hamper her in the games.”
Excitement floods me as I look at my twin. “Seriously? No one will lose their shit and call me impulsive? Not that I care, but I don’t like fucking up Chessie’s planning.”
My mate’s chuckle is soft and I wink at him as he wraps up lunches and puts them in the fridge.
“I think the Raj is right, and I know Rennie will agree,” Aubrey says grimly. “Show this girl we’re not kidding around if need be, Fitz. And make it painful—we need her to believe it the first time.”
Fuck yeah, she will. I know exactly what to do.
The restof my night was actually as restful as promised—save one minor detail—and I fell asleep in the pile of my handsy boyfriends with no trouble at all. Breakfast was delicious, but the minor detail from last night made the guys brood like Cure fans. The upcoming day’s one snag hung over us like the sword of Damocles, making me want to jabber until they all perked up, but I knew it wouldn’t help.
Today is my first class with the twins’ cousin and they’re worried.
The argument last night was about who could hold their temper well enough to walk me to class. After seeing themall turn into obnoxious alphas as they tried to work it out, I texted Rufus and Coco to meet me outside the library. Raina volunteered to join me afterward when I headed back to Shird 3.0. Once that was settled, they calmed down and we were able to relax again. I know they’re worried; hell,I’mworried. The way the twins dance around their past with Asani tells me he’s not a good dude, and Felix’s anger only highlights how bad the tiger must be. My Raj is pretty fair, and I don’t think he’s exaggerating.
I turn to see Rufus rushing over with my other bestie in tow. The last time I saw Coco, she looked so dejected I was almost afraid to leave her alone, but today she looks… marginally better. She’s got makeup and a colorful outfit on, even if her expression doesn’t quite match her bright smile. “Hey guys. Thanks for coming with me. I didn’t want to have to peel the guys off this creep if he looks at me sideways.”
Ru-Ru grins as he hauls me into his arms and does an impromptu swing step with me, then sends me reeling into Cori. She catches me with a small chuckle, dipping me then letting me up. “You two are a bit much for eight in the morning. How much caffeine do you consume?”
I arch a brow at her. “As much as we always consume, Coco, don’t worry. But… shhh. I snagged you a burrito.” Beaming, I pull two wrapped breakfast burritos out of my satchel. The one in foil is salmon and the one in wax paper is meaty as fuck—Chessie helped me out since they agreed to help this morning. “Don’t let any of the other guys know my cheetah and I hid them for you. Food doesn’t last long in our kitchen.”
There’s a sentence I never thought I’d get to say with Lucille in my life.
“You spoil us,” she says as she grabs hers. “But I’m glad we came, too. I didn’t get to thank you for… you know.”
Sighing, I slide a look at Rufus, whose lips curl up a bit. He’s being awfully gentle this morning and I guess curbing his snark is his way of beingkind to our friend. “You’re my friends and the guys constantly remind me that we’re allowed to spoil the people we care about.”