Page 42 of Eat. Prey. Love.

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Page 42 of Eat. Prey. Love.

“Raina made me teary earlier.”

He frowns. “Why?”

“Because she said something so sweet I could hardly stand it, and I was so happy. This time two years ago, I didn’t think I’d survive the next month, much less have all of you and friends. And now we’re in France on an adventure to solve a mystery… it’s… overwhelming. Good, of course, but so different from what I thought was going to happen.”

The Raj gives me a mischievous grin. “Do you think I had a clue two years ago that the girl my twin was stalking was anything more than one of his passing fancies? Hell no. We all thought he’d get in trouble and end up with another restraining order.”


“Delores Drew, you’re the best thing that could have ever happened to us, and we don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. Don’t let those girls back into your head.” He gives me a stern look and I grin.

“Again, sir, yes, sir.”

This time, it’s definitely on purpose—a little torture never hurt anyone.

Long Day

I spentmost of yesterday morning helping Aubrey and Renard go through timelines from the past few centuries. It was tedious as hell, but their constant banter made it less cumbersome. I would have rather stayed with them to finish than go to my five hours of misery with the vulture, but alas, my presence on campus is tied to working as much as everyone else’s. She didn’t mention my angel the entire time, but no one who came in and out of her office looked better off. It worried me that students who seemedto need help exited looking worse for wear, but I couldn’t do anything more than slip them a card with websites on the back.

Not enough, I fear, but at least an option that isn’t harmful.

Reporting her to the administration didn’t work at Cappie and I highly doubt it would here. Whoever her benefactor is, they have a good enough reach to keep the vile woman protected in her little bubble. At least, at work, anyway. Farley is making his moves in the background with his people and we have to trust he’s getting shit done so we can focus on tracking down information on the bigger problems.

My family agreed with that assessment at dinner, but Ren and the twins promised to keep their eyes peeled for students who seem like they need assistance they aren’t getting. Felix even said he’d give Zhenga a nudge, and our girl swore to enlist Rufus and Cori. That eased my guilt a bit, and we were able to clean up and relax while Dolly worked on her homework. She was exhausted from long, physically demanding classes and a mountain of work that seemed excessive for the first day of classes.

But no one asked me, and this place feels geared to weed out the weak with impossible tasks—much like Apex.

This morning, Fitz headed out with our girl after our family breakfast, laughing as she complained about Felix still waking her early to go for their run. I offered to go, but the Rajhateswhen I come and refused to allow it. He’s still sore that I’m faster than him by a good bit, despite being told over and over that my animal ismadefor speed. Dolly pleaded with him to let me take her spot because of her aches, but he had us slather her with muscle cream and send her off anyway.

“Chess, you’ve drifted, man.”

I blink, shaking my head for a second as my eyes refocus. “Shit. Sorry, Aubrey. I was thinking about last night and then Dolly whining this morning because Mr. Taskmaster wouldn’t let her out of cardio.”

Ren grins as he lazes in a big chair across the room. “The Raj is immovable about some things, it seems. I wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it because she’s so damn crafty. But he’s determined to get her endurance at peak in case shit goes down.”

I nod, straightening my files as I sigh. “His worry about her safety overrides the pouty lip and kinky nickname, I guess. I don’t blame him; my time in that office yesterday was like walking around on glass barefoot. I had to think about every fucking question the bitch asked and weigh my words to make sure I wasn’t giving her more material. I really wish we could excise that putrid, oozing boil.”

Aubrey snorts as he rises to go to the printer again. “You have a way with words, Chester. It’s disgusting, but it definitely got the point across.”

“I’ve never understood shifters who spend their lives purposefully being cruel to others,” I admit as I scribble a note on the timeline near ‘opium’ then look up. “Bloodstone was full of cats big and small who were so desperate for the old psycho’s approval that they watched the abuse and illegal shit going on without a word. And I’m not talking about people who feared for their loved ones—like the twins—but shifters who had no skin in the game, yet allowed atrocities and harm to come to others so they could vicariously enjoy it.”

“Oui, mon chat,” Renard says sadly. “I did not witness it in my clutch, but for one time, and I can empathize with your frustration and pain. It is hard to accept that there are beings whose greatest joy is seeing others fail or causing them to hurt. But it exists in all forms—humans, shifters, Fae, mythicals… None of us are exempt from rotten apples.”

“Dragons aren’t exempt, either. I don’t remember as much from my clash, but the ones online are insufferable elitists and do nothing but suck up to the non-exiled royals.” The librarian frowns for a second, pausing to notate something on one of his sheets before he continues. “And we know even the fuckingstudents at these damn schools are barely more than mynahs for their parents’ agendas. Snack size has avoided those idiots from freshman year as much as possible, yet they seek her out to pummel her emotionally every chance they get.”

“Reallywish we could deal with those girls. I’m not one for hitting a female, but I’d make an exception for that Erikson girl. She’s got rancid meat where her heart and brains should be,” I grumble as I tuck my legs under me. “Imagine telling everyone how damn talented and successful and busy you are, but spending inordinate amounts of time bullying someone who hasn’t spoken to you in years. It’s pathetic.”

Ren grins, his eyes dancing as he looks at me in interest. “Chester Khan, I like this evil streak you’re developing in regard to our woman. It’s hot as hell and I volunteer to help you with any low-grade mischief you might want to get up to in regard to thosevaches.”

Uh-oh. I’ve started the chaos gremlin up; is this going to get me in trouble with Felix?

The day goesby quicker than I would have expected, and when the Raj gets home, he joins us in the library as we work. He’s got lesson plans to deal with, but I like that he doesn’t hole up in a dark room with bourbon alone anymore. Having the guy I’ve always seen as my big brother back makes my cheetah happy—something he’s finally getting enough of. A purr rumbles in my chest as I sip the tea I went upstairs to make earlier, contentment filling me from head to toe as my tired eyes filter through the ridiculous amount of shit we’re digging through.

“Kowabunga!” Fitz yells as he bounces into the room, leaping over a table to come skidding to a halt in front of me.

Aubrey whips his head around, glaring at my mate like he wantsto incinerate him on the spot. “Fitzgerald Khan, I will fricassee your ass. Do not treat my library like a goddamn stadium.”

Rennie chuckles, his tail flicking as he winks at me. “Now, Flames. He’s like a puppy; you can’t be angry when it gets excited and piddles on the rug occasionally.”

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