Page 44 of Eat. Prey. Love.
“Me, too,” I sigh as I think about the routines I have to choreograph and practice for a final grade that could flunk me. “I have songs, dances, papers, scenes… and they all require the most ridiculous amount of full show shit. Like everyone else has already paired up with people to get this stuff done. What are transfers going to do?”
Cori swallows her bite and wipes her mouth, giving us both a look. “We team up, of course. I can do costumes for both of your stuff. It will help fulfillmyrequirements. We can all work on any sets, plus I bet the triplets could help procure props if you ask, Ru-Ru.”
He nods, his expression thoughtful. “They can and that means we won’t overload our girl’s logistic cheetah.”
Grimacing, I nod. “That would help because he’s got food and organization in our fam. He’s doing fine, but I don’t want to swamp the poor guy. I’d feel bad.”
“That means you two can model the costumes for me and everyone can star in the movies or scenes. I’m sure all of our friends will help. We just need to ask Raina.” Cori grins and ducks her head, flushing for a moment. “My big project is Z’s uniforms and thank fuck for Dolly suggesting it to her. It’s perfect for making a big splash.”
I arch my brow at her for a moment, sensing something off. She doesn’t continue, though, so I move on. “Well, that’syourbiggest piece checked off. What’s the big one you need help with Ru-Ru?”
He rolls his eyes to the sky and groans dramatically. “I have to make an entire short film! It’s absolutely insane how much work that will take between shooting, scripting, editing, costumes… I feel like I’m going todieby the end.”
Coco and I giggle as he rambles on for a minute, pulling his best Oscar-worthy histrionics, then she finally smacks him in the arm. “For the love of sparkly sequins, Rufus, calm down. We can all help with that. Come up with a premise and perhaps we can figure out how to cut some of the work out of the process. If it’s unscripted, that will excise a huge amount of work, for example.”
He blinks, tilting his head as we approach the doors to the Alexandré building. “Oh, shit, Coco! That’s brilliant. Let me stew on it for a while and I’ll get back to you when I have something suitably clever and avant garde.”
“See? Team work makes the dream work, guys,” I wink with a grin. “Now let me get inside to suffer through this asshole’s pompous crap and Heathers’ bullying so it’s done for the week. Ciao!”
I have no idea what my bestie has brewing in his spiky head, but I guarantee it’s going to be amazing—I can’t wait.
“The Magic Accordswere necessary to keep the peace and prevent humans from discovering our existence. However, Fae and the other magical folks are simply not asevolvedas shifters, especially in terms of intelligence, so the factions ended up at war before they could be signed.”
I roll my eyes as Asani drones on, weaving his shifter-loving fanfic to a rapt audience. He hasn’t presented any actualproofthis is how the history went—not one non-shifter written document, art piece, or even reference book that isn’t distributed by the Councils. Yet everyone in this room—particularly my nemeses—are eating his bullshit up with spoons. I’m not typically so jaded, but… it’s pretty obvious this isn’t the whole picture.
You’d have to be exceptionally gullible and naive to accept that entire groups of people are sub-par because our glorious leaders say so.
Sighing as I scribble a few notes with my stylus, I use the time to study everyone in my classroom. I’ve caught names and I’m writing them down with little notations that help me remember what side I think they fall on. After finding out my roommate was a planted poisoner last year, I’m not taking chances with classmates. I want Fitzy including them in dark web searches and finding out their backgrounds and connections before I have to deal with them individually. Professors are insane and I can’t guarantee one of them won’t?—
“And that will be the topic of your first group project this semester!”
Damn it. This is exactly what I was worried about.
I pull up the messaging screen, hastily firing off a group message to the guys.
BabyGirl: Guys, your dick cousin is assigning group projects.
TigerWoody: Never fear, BabyGirl, I’m on it. Gimme names.
BabyGirl: I don’t have them yet, but I will once I do.
TigerKing: I don’t like this.
EmoBatman: I find this much too convenient, petite lapin.
LustyLibrarian:What will you do if he puts you with one of your ex-friends, lunchable?
BabyGirl: I don’t know, big guy. If I complain, he’ll know one of my weaknesses. If I don’t, it will be Hell on earth.
TigerKing: Who says it won’t be anyway? Group projects are rarely balanced in terms of effort, and the lack of participation can make or break grades of all involved. It feels like a trap to ensure your grades dip.
BabyGirl: Shit, I hadn’t considered that, Felix. Thanks for making me even more nervous.
TigerKing: Sorry, Princess. I’m being realistic.
BabyGirl: It’s okay. I have to tune back in now. Talk later, boys. Behave.
The rapid-fire exchange only took seconds, but I’m relieved to see both Heathers already have partners moving their seats to gather with them. It appears this is a duo project and my eyes flick around the room to see who’s left. Hopefully, it’s a female because honestly? I don’t know if I can deal with some rando douche guy trying to skate off of me and Fitz might actually kill the dude when he finds out even if they don’t flirt.