Page 50 of Eat. Prey. Love.
Zhenga shakes her head, then pulls a compact out of a drawer to check her face. A few quick swipes under her eyes with a tissue from the box on her desk seems to get her approval, then she looks at me again as she clicks the mirror shut. “Felix Ivan Nestor Khan… how could youpossiblythink I’d go anywherenearthe rest of your degenerate ambush? I’m notthatdesperate to get into my father’s good graces.”
Ugh, the full name—she’s serious as hell.
“You’re becoming a good friend to my mate, Z, and you’ve been one to my little ambush even when I didn’t realize it. I don’t want to see you used up and discarded—or worse.”
Her lips curve up, a satisfied smirk on forming slowly. “Such a softie now that you’re getting laid on a regular basis. Don’t worry; I won’t spill the beans to anyone that your hardass image hides a squishy center.”
“Zhenga,” I chide, my expression dour. “I may be worried about you, but I’ll happily kick your ass from here to Bloodstone in the ring any day, any time. Since we’re in no way involved this time, I won’t hold back.”
“Oooh, Ilikethe appearance of Danger!Khan again. Gives methose ‘Mufasa’ shivers.” She pretends to shiver, clutching her arms around herself and I almost lose my temper.
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I suck in a deep breath to calm the beast inside. I know she’s kidding, but fuck, I have such a hard time when it comes to my kin. “Z, having Asani around is making my tiger lose its mind. He’s riding me hard and I’m struggling with my alpha tendencies more than I ever have since I was exiled.”
Her expression turns sympathetic and she nods. “I don’t blame you. Hell, I laughed because rumors of the shit that goes on at Bloodstone reaches every ear. You and your exiled bunch are the only good guys in that story, sono, I wouldneverconsider even looking at Asani Khan that way. I’d let someone skin me for a rug first.”
Thank hell for that. I’d like to avoid a blood debt fight until it’s absolutely necessary.
“Good. I’ve got enough issues dealing with Princess being in his class two times a week.” For a moment, I let the exhaustion I’ve been hiding show. “My brain keeps replaying all the terrible things I saw him and the rest of the psychos who suck up to my father do before I was kicked to the curb.”
Her brows furrow and she leans back again, looking up at the ceiling with a puff of air that feels as helpless as I do. “Felix, I’m doing everything I can to help your girl get stronger and more capable. You are, too. Your twin, whether he intends to or not, is honing her ferocity—I see it in her as she practices. The others are lending their strengths to her growth as a person and a predator. We can’t predict if it will be enough if something bad happens, but we know she survived Lucille and Bruno Drew for eighteen years on her own. That took guts and moxie I don’t know if I even have.”
Chuckling, I nod. “Those two sadists give my father a run for hismoney, it’s true. I was both grateful and furious when I heard the news about the nasty croc.”
“How did your girl deal with it? She hasn’t mentioned it to me,” Zhenga asks curiously. “Mostly, she’s just kicking ass and fending off that new girl giving her shit.”
“Surprised, but not sad. Her reaction sort of spoke for itself.” I shrug, not knowing what else to say. “The guys and I wanted to deal with him later, so there was disappointment, but not from her. She accepted it and moved on—even though it showcased how ruthless her mother is willing to be to stay on top.”
“We all know how vicious the Council families are, Felix. My father is no joke, despite being ill, and the rest of them are as morally corrupt as her. She’s just one of the top cats, so to speak.” The lioness pauses for a moment, then adds, “And I heard Papa Rostoff showed his face in the States when Cappie was being destroyed. He hasn’t come here since the Russian royals were alive.”
What? Holy fucking shit. That old pimp never leaves his homeland; Z’s right.
“That’s… not good news.” I frown, spinning the board around in my head again to look at the angles. Older Council members moving around when they are typically stationary and rule from afar feels even more serious than Fae showing their faces. “The biggest, most powerful elders must be taking notice of the Fae bullshit.”
“Do you think they’ll limit travel? That would fuck my whole plan for the Games teams here.”
Thinking about it for a moment, I shake my head slowly. “No. The Games give a lot of those old coots good excuses to move around in ways they haven’t in decades. It also provides cover for the current leaders to shuffle all over the globe.”
“Sucks for figuring out what the fuck is going on, but I can’t say that doesn’t work for my strategy,” Zhenga admits. “I hate to saythat because I like your girl, too, but I also want to make this program work. The idiots here have neglected it for so long that most of my efforts are self-funded.”
I make a face at her. “Jesus fuck, just ask Fitz to pull his weight. If you don’t, I will. He probably doesn’t even realize you’re doing it because he’s solely focused on the Princess and our family.”
“Oh,” she says. “Well, I will once my co-planner and I have everything hashed out completely. I don’t want to bring anyone else in until we’re totally ready.” Her face flushes and I gape.
What the hell is that?!
“Z, I?—”
Her phone rings and she holds a finger up as she answers it. Holding the phone to her ear, she smiles broadly. “Hi. No, I’m just in my office. Well, Felix is here. Yeah, he came to talk about—Yep. When? We’ll probably be done soon, yeah. Okay, I’ll meet you there. You, too. Okay, bye.”
My eyes narrow at the tone in her voice and her posture as she talks to the mystery person. This is definitely whoever she’s dressed up for—I remember what it looks like when my leonine friend is on the prowl. “On a deadline?”
She gives me a dirty look, then starts cleaning up the paperwork on her desk. “None of your business, Khan. As long as it’s not Asani, you don’t have to be worried, right?”
Putting my fingers on my temples, I growl softly. She’s right, obviously, but I still don’t want to see her harmed. “True, but?—”
“No butts inmyoffice, Felix.” Her eyes dance and she winks playfully as she stands. “You need to scoot. I told you what you wanted to know and I’m not doing anything bad, so get back to skulking around or smacking your students when they say dumb shit. I have things to do.”
Her sudden desire to leave makes my hackles raise, but Zhenga is an adult. I have too many things to manage as it is, and if she needs help, she’s perfectly capable of letting me know. I grin to myself a little when I realize I’m actively ceding control in a situation—something that is definitely the Princess’ influence. As much as we’re helping her grow into the woman she wants to be, she’s helping us be the men we should be, too.