Page 60 of Eat. Prey. Love.
High praise coming from the grumpy librarian.
“Aw, youloveme; you reallyloveme!” Fitz crows as he turns back to give them his best Sally Fields impression. “I feelsomuch better now. I think we should reward me with a group Sexy Day date.”
“How did we get back here?” I mutter as I look at my plate. “Fucking one-track brains, that’s how.”
“Princess, if we didn’t have people trying to murder us all the time, it would be so much worse. You know that, right?” Felix’s teasing makes me glare at him playfully.
“I’d be hobbling to dance class, that much I’m certain of,” I retort. “You horn dogs haven’t even finished corrupting me yet according to those two.” I hitch my thumb at Aubrey and Rennie who immediately do their pie-plate halo impressions of angels.
As if any of us believe that shit.
“I take offense at that, Baby Girl. The Winged Weenies have nothing on the Khan boys’ swagger.”
Choking on the bite I just took, I wait for my breath to come back then lean back to bite his earlobe firmly. “Stop saying that shit while I’m eating.”
The others laugh as I grumble, clearly enjoying my discomfort. Finally, Felix is able to catch his breath, his dark eyes meeting mine. “I believe we should spend it together—as a family. We can plan lots of outings solo if we end up staying this summer. I know that’s hoping no one blows this fucking place up and that’s not guaranteed, but we have forever to do that. We only get one first family Valentine’s.”
I blink, dipping my head as emotion overcomes me. It’s a present-based holiday and I’ve never cared about it… until now. The serious way my stern tiger king said that will make it impossible to ever call this day silly and frivolous again. “Felix Khan, you’re going to make me leak, which Ihateand I have to go to Tap class next. Damn you.”
“Can’t win for losing, eh, bro?” Fitz says with a wink. He lets go of me and strides over to the fridge, pulling out a pretty cupcake to hold up. “Look, Baby Girl. Chessie and the pouty poet made pretties.”
My head pops up and I can’t help but swoon. “Ooooh. Pretty sweets. I like that.”
“See? Totally fixable,” Chess chuckles as he pats a bewildered Felix on the shoulder. “Our girl is motivated by food, fucking, fury, and fancy shit. Just keep that in mind.”
“She likes books,” Aubrey adds. “And cute things.”
“Music,” Rennie sighs happily. “Plus, she’s fond of a good cuddle.”
I turn red, wrinkling my nose. “Stop listing my vices and give me that cupcake, you teases.”
“Hmmm.” The elder Khan arches a brow. “Food denial. That’s a new kink, Princess.”
“It isnota kink,” I growl as I hold up my steak knife. “I’ll stab you for real.”
Fitz doubles over in howling laughter, barely managing to gasp, “I’m pretty sure she would, too.”
“Don’t test me,” I grumble. “Cupcake. Now.”
Chess grabs the sweet from his amused mate, walking over to hand it to me. “Here you go, Angel. I promise I’ll try not to let them use treats to torture you.”
“Try being the operative word,” Aubrey smirks. “The idea has merit. She’s wild when she’s furious. The dragon likes it a lot.”
Narrowing my eyes at him, I sink my teeth into the delicious, fruity concoction. They’re definitely only half joking and I’m going to end up skewering someone who thinks they’re slick. I’d better make sure Raina stocks first aid supplies in all the rooms. Can’t hurt to be careful—we all have tempers and rather vicious tastes in vengeance.
“Uh-oh. She’s plotting.” The gargoyle tilts his head as he studies me, looking curious and turned on at the same time. “I enjoy her vengeful streak; it’s hot.”
Done chewing, I roll my eyes. “You know, I’m questioning why the hell I come home for lunch instead of packing and finding Coco or Rufus. That’s sounding very appealing right now.”
“Hell no!” Fitz comes over and grabs me again, holding me tight enough to make me grunt. “I love our lunch time fun, even when I don’t get a blowie reward. Don’t you test me, Baby Girl.”
“The two of them…” Felix sighs, rubbing his temples. “It’s a fucking full time job, I swear to Odin.”
“He doesn’t care, bro. He’s missing an eye and has bad boys of hisown to deal with. Dolly and I areyourcosmic cross to bear; don’t you forget it.”
I grin prettily, then lick every speck of icing off the rest of the cake purposefully. “That’s right, Sir. We’re the punishment and pleasure you didn’t know you needed.”
Damn, I sounded pretty cool just then. Go me.