Page 77 of Eat. Prey. Love.
“Even my degree...” I trail off, the words sticking in my throat. “It’s hard to care about assignments and deadlines when it feels like your life's on the line.”
“And I aim to lift as much of that as I can, though I’m sure your men and my ridiculous cousin are also trying to do so.”
I sigh, feeling the tendrils of anxiety tighten around my chest. “The connection to the twins’ family... it worries me.”
“Rightly so,” he agrees, his expression grim. “It’s dangerous territory.”
Farley’s phone buzzes on the dark wood of his desk. With a quick glance at the caller ID, a change comes over him—a mixture of seriousness and an almost boyish mischief lighting up his eyes as he answers. “Monstro,” he greets, his voice adopting a country lilt that reminds me of home. “What have you got for us?”
I listen, catching only Farley’s side of the banter, but the gravity behind his light-hearted tone is unmistakable. They’re discussing code words, something about Asani and Rockland’s cryptic exchange in the bar. Scribbling notes furiously, Farley nods along to Monster’s report.
This is the song that never ends… Maybe I should take Fitz’s advice and just kill the bitch?
“Keep transcribing, we’ll crack it later,” he instructs before hanging up. Turning to me, his brows are knitted together. “They’re up to something else. But the badgers can’t get any closer without being noticed—the bar’s too cramped.”
“Will they follow her when she leaves?” My voice barely rises above a whisper.
“Like shadows,” he confirms with a sharp edge of determination.
“Thank you, Farley,” I say, the fatigue seeping into every syllable. With another glance at the clock, I realize time isn’t on my side. I rise, hopeful for the first time in days. Farley’s expertise was a weapon in itself—one I was lucky to have on my side. “I’ve got studio class soon.”
“Keep your head high, Dolly,” Farley calls after me as I retreat. “Remember, you’re not alone in this.”
I offer him a weary smile, my heart a little lighter for having shared the burden, even if just for these fleeting moments. With one last glance at Farley, the guardian of knowledge amidst his literary fortress, I turn and head out, ready to face the rest of the day’s challenges.
“Keep your phone on, Dolly,” he advises, his gaze stern yet kind. “Say hello to my crazy cousin for me, will you?”
“Will do, Farley.” I grip my ballet shoes a little tighter, bolstered by the knowledge that Rockland’s twisted web was beginning to unravel.
“Take care, bunny,” he says as I head for the door, my spirit lighter than it’s been since this whole ordeal began. “You need your strength for all the things coming.”
Boy, howdy, he’s right about that. My first match is this weekend.
Indiana Jones Theme
My heart isa steady drum of excitement in my chest as I bound alongside Dolly and the twins. Every little noise from the rustling leaves to the distant chatter of students seems amplified as we head for the location of our newest clue. We’re a motley crew this Saturday morning—the bunny shifter twitching at every sound, tiger twins with amber eyes scanning the shadows, the gargoyle whose cerulean gaze misses nothing as he slinks through the trees, and an irritable dragon who keeps snorting smoke when branches pull at his precious clothing.
That’s my family—and I couldn’t be happierabout it.
“Seriously,” Dolly mutters, her voice low but laced with a thrill, “it’s like they think they’re in a Tolkien movie or something.” Her nose twitches comically as she peers around a thick tree trunk to grin as her besties, Cori and Rufus appear to join us.
Fitz chuckles, the sound deep and infectious. “Adventure is the spice of life, Baby Girl.We all know those tight-assed fuckers on the Council have so much money and influence that very little blows their skirts up anymore.”
I can’t help a smirk as retort, “Or raises their flag up the pole without a small blue pill.” They all laugh and I pause in our walk to the area the crew said they’d rendez-vous with us at. “Check to make sure your earpiece is secure. The last thing we need is someone getting lost or ambushed because they couldn’t hear a call for help.”
“Good idea, Chessie,” Dolly says and I flush. Her praise makes my cheetah happy as hell, and Fitz smirks at me, his eyes saying ‘later’ in response.
Felix’s voice comes through the earpiece, all business now. “Everyone ready?”
“Over and out, Raj,” I confirm, along with a chorus of replies from the others.
Once we’re geared up, we finish our journey to the spot between the edge of the forest and the base of the mountain. The Captain, Raina, and the rest of their crew are waiting; they all look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for such an early excursion. I flash a brief hello sign to Holliday, watching carefully to catch what he responds. The others do similar, though at various skill levels, and Renard peels off to greet his prey acolytes before we begin. They seem equally as enthralled with Dolly, which clearly delights her as she greets them, too.
Our bunny is hard not to love and it consistently amazes me that she has so many random enemies despite her inherentkindness.
After we all finish chatting, the group spreads out, our search pattern meticulous as we comb the north side of the campus. This place is perfect for hiding something important, to be honest. Renard has been keeping an eye on these woods since Valentine’s Day because they felt too quiet and now we know why they seem deserted. Something is being hidden here and no one wants attention drawn to the area. Closer to the mountain crags, I understand why they would choose this spot—this terrain is tricky and it doesn’t stand out as a place to hang out.
We comb through the rocky terrain, my feline eyes scanning for anomalies among the stones. Dolly pauses and tilts her head. “How did we even get wind of this place?” she asks, curiosity lighting up her face.