Page 20 of The Cocky Neighbor
I was standing by the front desk chatting with my coworkers. There was a lull in the guests coming to check in and no one besides us in the lobby, so we had a bit of a breather. As long as everything got done, I wasn't too picky about my coworkers taking a ten minute break here or there.
I was chatting with the receptionist about the guests that were checking in this afternoon while some of my other coworkers stood off to the side to quickly check their phones. Liam hadn't said anything about the phones since the day in my office, so I figured he was either okay with it or too lazy to bother with it.
"I still can't believe we have to stop by the front desk to check on our phones. Even my kid has more freedom with her phone than I do," Bonnie grumbled. She was a middle-aged lady who started working there a few years back. She had a tendency to gossip but was a hard worker overall.
My coworkers were being very accommodating with abiding by the new cell phone rule, but I knew they were getting antsy. I couldn't blame them, since who didn't have their phones on them twenty-four seven these days?
"Tell me about it. I feel like I'm back in high school all over again," Madeline, the newest member of our house cleaning staff, said. I snickered under my breath, considering the girl only graduated high school a few months back. "I swear, the new boss is such an asshole. Like if he wasn't so hot, he'd have nothing going for him."
"You mean besides all his wealth and prestige?" Bonnie teased, and the teenager rolled her eyes.
"So? Just because you're rich, does that mean you can do whatever you want?" Madeline said with a huff. "Though, I guess he really doesn't give a damn what others think of him, especially considering how he dresses."
That comment earned giggles from all the coworkers within hearing distance. I shot them a warning glare to quiet down. I knew gossiping was a huge part of any job, but I would only tolerate it if they didn't go too far. Complaining about the jackass was one thing, but making fun of him—despite how horrendous I thought he dressed—was another.
They made zipping motions over their lips with their hands and turned back to their phones for a minute before gossiping again. This time, their voices were lower, but I could still make out their conversation.
"I heard he complains about every single little thing we do. About the cleaning, the sheets we use, how the receptionist greets guests. He's even complained to Chef about his food. Like can you believe that? Everyone loves Chef's cooking," Bonnie said.
"Right? Just how miserable do you have to be to complain about every single thing. Like lighten up. I bet he'll be one of those cranky, old men who yells at kids to get off their lawn. If he ends up alone, that's what he gets. He'll deserve it."Madeline's voice was full of malice, and she didn't even try to whisper.
I got it. I currently wasn't too happy with the man either, but that didn't warrant anyone wishing ill on him, and protective instincts bubbled up at those words. I may have cursed him in my mind for basicallyusingme in the hotel room, but bad-mouthing him so openly felt like bad taste. And to do it in front of me and in the lobby where any guest could walk by and hear, that went over the line.
I stood to my full six foot height, towering over the women much smaller than I was and put on my fiercest expression. I was friendly with all the staff and acted more like their friend than manager. And while it worked for the most part, perhaps my lax attitude had led them thinking they could say whatever they wanted in front of me.
I glanced around the lobby to check there wasn't anyone else near us before I caused a huge scene."You can have whatever opinions you want, but that doesn't mean you can run your mouths however you want."
The two women looked up at me with eyes full of shock, probably not used to hearing me talk to them like this.
"Besides, Liam isn't as bad as you're making him out to be. He may be an asshole at times, but I truly believe he's trying to do what's best for the hotel."
The royalty program he'd implemented that integrated points for hotel stays, food at our restaurant, and services at our spa had our guests spending more money on average and booking their next stay months out. Plus, it gave us important data on guests’ behaviors and spending habits to better serve them in the future.
"And even if you don't like some of the new rules, it doesn't give you the right to talk about him like that. Liam has been nothing but respectful and cordial to all our staff."
Besides me.
He'd been a jerk to me, but we weren't talking about me right now. However, other than the two gossips in front of me, all my coworkers seemed to love Liam as a person. They were annoyed at his stupid cell phone rule, but besides that, had nothing but nice things to say about the man. He was eccentric at times, sure, but he was kind to the staff and didn't talk down to them like some of the previous upper brass had.
And regardless of how much of a cocky motherfucker he tried to act like, I'd witnessed the huge softie that he was inside when he had tried to negotiate with Star to go home with him. He wasn't someone who deserved to be gossiped about when he was trying to do his job.
"Now, I don't want to hear anyone talking about our new boss like that again. Do you hear me?"
They nodded, but stayed silent in their shock as they studied me. I sighed, knowing that by this time tomorrow, there would be rumors about me lashing out. I didn't keep my being queer a secret, and I was sure these women would let their imaginations run wild about my sudden outburst in defending the hot Wright.
None of that mattered. I could deal with the rumors later. Right now, I wanted some peace and calm to reflect on why I'd acted so intensely at hearing them badmouth Liam.
"Break time's over. Let's get back to work," I said with a clap of my hands. Being dismissed, Bonnie andMadeline scrambled away and rushed back to the housekeeping area. I watched them leave and turned to the receptionists, who were watching me with curious eyes.
"This didn't happen," I said, and they nodded before turning to their computer screens again.
I took the chance to escape, so that I could get some time to myself. I wasn't feeling all that sociable after that out-of-character rant. I didn't like being the restrictive manager that had everyone cowering in fear, but I also wasn't going to be a pushover and let them say and do whatever the hell they wanted.
Thinking of going to my office to take care of some administrative tasks so that I could hide for a bit, I turned to the staff area. There was a corner by the front desk that was a blind spot for anyone standing by the desk, but was close enough to hear everything that was being said. I turned the corner and found Liam standing there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed against his chest.
Fuck. Did he hear everything?
When he saw me, he shot me his cocky grin that had me breathing a sigh of relief. He wouldn't be smiling if he heard the hotel staff talking smack about him, right? But the breath got choked in my throat again at his next words.