Page 51 of The Holiday Fail
“I’m agreeing to this solely based on the facts and data you’ve provided. I think this idea will let our B&B expand. Plus, I really like the holiday events you want to implement. It’s a great way to show the residents of Wintertown that we’re taking being part of the community seriously. So, what’s our next step? Putting up fliers for more staff? And do you have the list of what we’d need to purchase since we’re hoping to increase our customer base? I know we don’t nearly have enough plates and cutlery for that. I’ll place the order tonight. I want to be able to open our doors to the rest of the town as soon as possible.”
He flipped through the packet to the page where I’d madea layout of the dining room to fit a few more tables. I watched, dazzled by him. He’d always worked hard for the B&B, but it always amazed me at how he lit up when it came to the business. He loved the place, and it showed in every one of his actions.
When I didn’t reply, he glanced up and asked, “What?”
“Can we put aside the professionalism for just a second so I can kiss you?” I asked, and then he lit up for another reason. Those dimples reappeared, teasing me as he leaned over the table, and gave my heart exactly what it needed. The kiss was as sweet as the person in front of me.
Over the next few days, Levi and I worked closely together to get everything ready to open the restaurant up to the town.
The teenagers I’d chatted with while I was conducting research on my days off at the B&B were excited to get started as soon as possible. They could only work the dinner service because of school, but I expected dinner to be our busiest time anyway.
I thought it would take much longer to prepare everything, but by the second week of November, all preparations had been completed.
Levi’s dads had spread the word in the town that the B&B would open its restaurant to everyone, and I’d overheard them complimenting me on my cooking to the residents more than once too.
The compliments made me self-conscious knowing they were coming from Levi’s dads. I wanted them to like me, and it wasn’t just because I was their employee.
Levi and I hadn’t been any less intimate these past few weeks despite being even busier than usual with the preparations.
Because we’d been so busy, I hadn’t had time to sit down with him to have a conversation about our relationship or how Iwanteda clearly defined relationship with him and not this limbo ofdating but not talking about it. But there was just never the right time.
Then, the first day of the restaurant’s official opening to the town came, and we got even busier.
It felt like half the town had come to show their support. All the tables were full for lunch, and we were so busy that Peter was helping me cook, Henry had been put in charge of washing the dishes, and Levi was serving along with Julie.
All of us were running around like a chicken with its head chopped off until the dinner rush was over.
“I say today was a success,” Henry said with a huge grin, then returned to the kitchen and snapped a picture of me. As soon as he was free, he’d gotten his camera and started taking pictures of the happy customers and everyone working.
It was ‘for the memories,’ as he’d put it. I was caught off guard by the picture and made a face between a grimace and a smile when the flash went off.
Henry took a look at his camera screen and laughed. Peter leaned over Henry’s shoulder to take a peek and smiled when he saw what was on the screen.
Henry flipped the screen over to reveal a photo of me with my bangs slick with sweat, and my face with a constipated expression.
I did look very funny, so I couldn’t help but chuckle along with them.
“What are you guys up to in here?” Levi asked, carrying a tray of dirty plates and dropping them off into the sink.
“Just immortalizing Andy’s big day,” Henry joked.
Levi came to my side and rested a hand on my arm. “It’s a day to remember. You did great today, babe.”
We both froze almost in unison. I was shocked by the term of endearment, considering this was the first time Levi hadcalled me that. I very much liked how it sounded. I just wished this wasn’t happening in front of Levi’s dads.
Levi’s hand snapped away from me as he hid it behind his back. His eyes flicked to his dads.
They were watching us now. Henry’s eyes were wide with either shock or horror, though I hoped it was the former.
Meanwhile, Peter was much calmer. His gaze flicked between Levi and me, as if trying to read us.
He narrowed his eyes, and I feared he was about to cuss me out or kick me to the curb, but he didn’t do either of those things.
“I knew it!” Peter exclaimed, looking a bit smug. “How long has this been going on?”
“What are you talking about, honey?” Henry’s eyes flicked between his husband and us. Nobody spoke, so it was just a four-person stare-off, which Henry broke with a slightly panicked look. “What’s going on?”
“Hush, honey,” Peter told his partner, then came to take Levi’s hands. “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell us now if you’re not ready. All that matters is that you’re happy, and you have been very happy lately. Now I finally know why.”