Page 71 of Cabin Fever Baby
I nodded. “Be careful. Might get icy.”
“I will, Mom.”
I laughed and opened the door, leaning my cheek against the jamb. The plows were out in full force and the distant whoosh of cars and trucks on the roads marked the end of life’s standstill.
I’m coming for you, Hudson MacGregor.
2 Days til Christmas
The noise at my folks’house was jarring after all the quiet with Ocean.
Would I stop thinking about her anytime soon?
Last night had been a nightmare. Not because of the sounds in the house, but the fact that I didn’t know how to sleep without her beside me. Three nights.
Three goddamn nights and I was so twisted up I couldn’t concentrate on conversations with my brothers or my parents.
“Uncle H?”
I blinked out of my spiral and braced for impact as Callum’s oldest girl launched herself at me on the couch. She was all arms and legs and sweet smells from baking cookies with my mom.
“What’s up, short stack?” She was four years old going on fourteen with her intelligent gray eyes.
My brother’s eyes.
So wild to see the blend of Cal and Ellie in this little girl.
For a half a second, I wondered what kind of kid Ocean would produce.
I was so damn screwed.
“Gram said you know how to decorate cookies. We made sugar ones.”
“Oh, I don’t know.”
“She said you know how to make Spiderman cookies. I love the lady Spiderman with her white…” She made a gesture around her head.
“Yes!” She crawled up my chest and put her little face close to mine. “Please.”
As if I could even say no at that point. “Of course.”
She squished my cheeks together and planted a kiss on my nose. “Yay!”
I stood and flipped her around, carrying her by her ankles as she shrieked with laughter.
“Is this yours?” I asked my mom.
“Nope. But I keep her sometimes.”
Faith giggled as I righted her and plopped her on a stool that lined the breakfast bar section of my mom’s swanky kitchen.
My mom shot me a worried frown as I raked my fingers through my hair. I gave her a half smile. “I’ve been volunteered to make my famous flood cookies.”