Page 72 of Boys Who Hunt
A grin slowly spreads on my face. “Something fun … and wicked.”
He licks his lips. “I… I’ll pass, thanks.”
“Aw, c’mon. You never come along.” I throw my arm around his neck. “I’d love to have you there.”
“I’m busy. Sorry.”
I frown, disappointment marring my face. “Fine. Suit yourself.”
I walk off, my stomach churning with resentment. He’s never been this apathetic about hanging out with me, and it dulls the happiness I nearly felt at the prospect of showing him just how devilish I can be.
I open the bag and pop open the pills I got, taking out two and swallowing them whole.
If I can’t feel even a little bit thrilled, then I won’t feel anything at all instead.
But what is up with Max’s detached attitude? Something’s not right, but I can’t pinpoint what. Outside, I stare at his motorcycle and think it over for a moment.
Maybe … just maybe…
I fish my tracker from my bag, stick it to the inside of his luggage compartment, and pull up the tracker app on my phone.
Then I hop into my car, chuck the bag on the back seat, start the car, and race off.
Fuck, this car is the only thing that makes me feel alive, makes me feel anything at all. Adrenaline surges through my veins, the fuel that keeps me going. I don’t know why I am this way. All Iknow is that I need the kick to survive. To feel something other than dead inside.
I pop open the bottle and take another pill, feeling the high slowly come on.
It’s not enough.
I need more, so much fucking more.
I turn on the heavy metal music and hit the gas to chase the darkness, nearly catching flight as I race down the mountains and head into the city. I know exactly where I’m going, and I don’t wait for red lights to turn green before I pass an empty street.
At the edge of the city is a giant mansion with a huge fence around it, and I park my car near the gates, pressing the button on the wall.
“Hello?” a voice calls out.
“Heath here. I’m picking up Silas.”
“Of course, Sir. I will send him down.”
Send him down? He’s upstairs? At his parents' house?
Frowning, I wait until Silas finally comes out of the house and walks up to the gate. “Just in time.”
“Looks like you had a great time in there,” I say.
His family waves at me from the distance, and I wave back with a fake smile.
“It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” he says. “Until Mom decided to force everyone to Melody’s room and gush about herpaintings.” He rolls his eyes. “I’ve already seen them a million times.”
I look at his shirt, which is decidedly… pink. And has a unicorn on it. “Wait a minute … Weren’t you wearing something else?”
“This is the only thing Mom had that I could fit into. Don’t ask what happened.” He jumps into the car. “Did you bring an extra hoodie?”
“No, just the masks,” I reply.
He sighs out loud. “Fine. I’ll keep this on. Are we ready?”