Page 61 of Wed Or Dead
“No one has to die tonight,” Kayla said, proving, quite clearly, that a human’s hearing was nothing compared to a shifter’s. “I’ve worked with you all—so many times—just give me a chance to prove that what I’m saying is true!”
They weren’t lowering their weapons. “Move back, Kayla,” he ordered. Because his wolves were going to spring up soon, and he wanted her away from the coming bloodbath.
“Let him go,” the guy at the front of the growing pile of hunters snapped. “Let Lyle go, then we can talk.”
Such a lie. Once Lyle was clear, the hunters would open fire. They were holding back only because Gage was a claw away from killing their precious leader.
“If Gage lets him go,” Kayla replied, “Lyle will kill me.” After the briefest of pauses, she told them, “Then he’ll watch while you all die, too.”
The hunters shifted restlessly, from one foot to the other.
“Don’t you wonder why he’s never touched silver?” Kayla questioned them. “Why he always uses his black gloves when he’s near the silver cells?” Kayla shook her head. “You’ve seen all this, just as I have. Only I didn’t put the pieces together. I didn’t want to believe he was the real monster.”
The tension in the air thickened.
He didn’t like this. Every muscle in Gage’s body was battle ready. The hunters hadn’t fired yet, but Kayla’s small body had no cover if the bullets were to start raining on her.
Too vulnerable.Standing in front of him, offering herself up to the hunters. Hell, no, this wasn’t acceptable.
He heard the faint snap of a twig. To his left. Gage inhaled and pulled in the scents around him.
“I can prove what he really is,” Kayla promised her voice clear and loud for all to hear. “I can?—”
Gage leapt toward her. Lyle broke from him as he moved, rolling to the ground. Gage didn’t even look back at that prick. He grabbed Kayla even as the thunder of a gun echoed around them.
First shot.
Now it would be his turn to attack, and all the bastards would die.
The bullet blasted near him, scraping over his arm and ripping open the skin. Gage didn’t cry out. He was too long acquainted with pain for that. He twisted his body and took the impact when he and Kayla slammed into the earth.
Then he opened his mouth and roared the order, “Kill!”
The wolves had already shifted. They were ready. Eager for the fight to come.
The foolish hunters wouldn’t have a chance.
“No!”Kayla shouted, but it was too late. He’d given the order.
Streaks of black, gray, and white burst from the darkness and lunged for the hunters. The humans were trying to fire, but they couldn’t aim well at their targets. Not in the dark. Not with so many wolves rushing around them and moving so quickly.
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” Kayla whispered, then she shoved away from Gage. “Itwon’tbe like this.”
She ran right into the battle.
His claws burst out of his fingers as he took off after her. Lyle had raced to a nearby SUV. Big surprise, he was trying to jump inside and make a run for it. A coward to his core.
“Going someplace?” Kayla demanded, then she grabbed a gun right out of the hand of a nearby hunter. She slugged the guy, and he fell to the ground with a thud.
Nice punch.That right hook was really killer.
Kayla aimed the gun at Lyle. “Get away from the vehicle. Get your ass out here right now, shifter!”
Two hunters jumped in front of Gage. He could have just slit their throats with one long swipe of his claws.
He knocked them out instead. Just slammed their heads together and stepped over them when they fell.