Page 15 of Hidden Desire
Just the sound of his voice was enough to make his rage build.
He cleared his throat. “As far as I know, she’s doing well. Hannah seems to like her.”
“That’s good to hear. I’d like to talk to her, so I thought I’d stop by. I’m in the neighborhood.”
“She’s not here. She went with my daughter to some special book fair.” It was the first thing that popped into his head.
He could feel the tension through the phone.
“Do you know when she’ll be back?” Emmet asked.
“I’m not sure. I can call Taylor, she’s the one that took them.”
“If it’s okay with you, I’d still like to stop by. I can wait with you until they get back.”
“Sure, but it might be a while,” Robert said.
“I can stay for a bit.”
“All right. I’ll see you soon.”
Robert hung up and raced into the kitchen. “Where are the girls?”
“Out back, why?” Taylor asked with concern.
“Her father is coming to see her. I told him you had taken the girls to a book fair, and I didn’t know when you would be home, but he still wants to stop by. Can you hide them until he leaves?”
“Absolutely,” Taylor said. “You deal with the asshole, and I’ll deal with the girls.”
Robert relaxed and nodded. “Good.”
Within five minutes, the doorbell rang.
He opened the door and tried to smile, but it was next to impossible because all he wanted was to tear the man apart.
“Come in, Emmet.”
“Thank you.”
“Come into my office,” Robert said. He walked over to the small bar in the corner. “Would you like a bourbon?”
“I don’t mind if I do,” Emmet said and made himself comfortable in one of the chairs.
Robert made the drinks and handed one to Emmet before sitting behind his desk.
“So, tell me how she’s doing?” Emmet asked and took a drink from his glass.
Robert knew not to act too interested. “I think she’s doing fine. My housekeeper would tell me if there was a problem.”
“You don’t see her?” Emmet asked with raised eyebrows.
“Not really. I work a lot, and when I get home, I have dinner with my daughter.”
“Where does Grace eat?”
“With the other help, I suppose. I’ve never asked.”
Emmet studied him. “Do you find her attractive?”