Page 31 of Hidden Desire
“Why?” he asked.
“I’ve never slept with a man before. I’ve never slept with anyone.”
He reached out for her and set his hand on her arm. “I promise you that nothing is going to happen until you’re ready. I just want you close to me, and maybe you’ll let me hold you.”
“I’d like that,” she said.
The knot in his stomach loosened when she nodded and gave him a hesitant smile.
Robert moved over a few inches, turned her face away from him, and loosely wrapped an arm around her waist. “Is thisokay?”
She nodded.
“Good.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her head. “Go to sleep, Sweetheart.”
“Good night,” she murmured.
“Good night.”
He stayed awake long after she fell asleep. With her scent wrapped around him and the feel of her in his arms, he didn’t think sleep would come anytime soon.
He hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep until the light of dawn crept through the drapes, lighting the room.
It took a moment to notice she was sprawled over his chest. The deep feeling of contentment shook him. It seemed the longer she was with him, the deeper she got in his heart. It should have concerned him how quickly it happened, but instead, he thanked God for bringing her into his life.
He gently lifted her and set her to the side before pulling the blanket around her shoulders. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and whispered, “Good morning, Wife.” He slid out of bed and started his day.
Chapter Fourteen
Grace slowly stretched as her eyes blinked open. The first thing she saw was the other half of the bed was empty. She reached out, felt the sheets, and found them cold. How long had he been gone? Had he slept with her at all?
She checked the time and saw it was about forty minutes until Hannah woke up, so she had time for a shower and to wash her hair. She didn’t have any of her clothing or shampoo in his room, so she decided to get dressed in her clothes from the night before. She made her way down the steps and into her room to grab her other clothes.
Within thirty minutes, she was ready for the day except for her damp hair. She hadn’t wanted to take the time to dry it.
When she got to the kitchen, she found Taylor near the stove with her back to her. A wave of tension made her take a step back, but she wasn’t fast enough.
“Good morning, Honey.”
Grace smiled and stepped farther into the kitchen. “Good morning.”
“Do you want some coffee?” Taylor asked.
“Yes, but I can get it. You’re busy stirring something.”
Grace reached for a cup in the cupboard and filled it with coffee. She walked over to the window in the dining area where they always had breakfast and lunch. The day was bright and looked warm. It would be a good day to play with Hannah outside.
“Are you doing okay?” Taylor asked.
Grace glanced over at her. “I’m not sure, to be honest.”
“Do you want my advice, Honey?”
Grace turned to face her. “Yes, please.”
“Don’t think so much. Just let things happen. It will all fall into place. I can promise you that.”
Grace sighed. “I hope so. I don’t even know what questions to ask Robert.”