Page 11 of Daddy's Desire
“Could you guys get in trouble trying to help me?” Courtney asked.
“I don’t see how,” Sienna said. “You’re an adult. She can’t make you do anything.”
Courtney was still worried.
“Let’s sit down and come up with some plans,” Larkin said.
Sienna pointed to some things on the floor. “I brought donuts and juice if anyone’s hungry.”
Courtney swallowed. “I’d like to try one, please.”
All seven girls stared at her.
“You’ve never had a donut,” Shelby asked.
“Courtney’s mom had her on a very strict diet. She didn’t get to eat anything besides healthy food, and very little of it.”
“Is that why you’re so skinny?” Kyla asked.
Courtney nodded. “My mother wanted me to look beautiful so she could find me a rich husband.”
A few of the girls cursed, but they all looked angry.
Larkin reached for the box and put it in the middle of their circle before she flipped the lid open. “You choose first, Courtney.”
She looked at all the colorful pastries and felt her mouth water. Reaching for a chocolate one, she took a bite.
“Mmmm,” she swallowed. “God, this is so good.”
The others laughed and grabbed one of their own.
For the next two hours, they devised one plan after another, but none of them was perfect.
“We might have to get the daddies involved,” Amber said.
“But they’ll take me back to my mother, won’t they?” Courtney asked.
The girls looked at each other.
“I’m not sure what they’ll do,” Brylee said. “But I doubt they would do that against your will.”
“Especially after hearing the way she treated you,” Nia said.
Larkin grabbed onto one of her hands. “I don’t like that. Let’s give it a couple of days and try to think of another solution. You’re safe here for now, and there are plenty of things to do in the room.”
“Oh, this is much more fun than I’m used to. The best part is I haven’t felt this safe since my father was alive, and I have the best friends I could have ever asked for,” Courtney said and sniffed.
The other girls teared up.
“Stop, don’t make us cry, Courtney,” Larkin said. “I’m an ugly crier.”
“That’s a fact,” Sienna said.
Courtney smiled when the two started to bicker, and the other girls rolled their eyes.
“Do you think they’ll ever get along?” Shelby asked with agrin.
The other girls replied ‘no’ at the same time.