Page 17 of Daddy's Desire
Courtney pressed her hand over her mouth and giggled. “Really?”
Larkin grinned. “Yeah, and it’s true. The girls try to poke at them to get a response.”
“What kind of response?”
“Usually a spanking.”
Courtney choked. “Wait. You want to be spanked?”
Larkin nodded. “Yeah.”
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
Larkin shrugged. “I feel pain, but it’s not bad, and it always ends up with me getting laid.”
Courtney started laughing as she rinsed her hair.
“How is everything, girls?” Darian said from the doorway.
Courtney squealed and tried to cover herself with her arms, making Larkin laugh hysterically.
“We’re doing okay, Daddy. We’re just about done.”
Courtney knew the glass was foggy because of the watersohe couldn’t see a lot, but just being in a room, naked with a man, made her heart rate spike.
She rinsed the conditioner out of her hair and turned off the water. Then, Larkin handed her a towel to wrap around herself and another for her hair. Courtney exhaled when she saw Darian had left.
“You should have seen the look on your face,” Larkin said,giggling so hard she bent over and wrapped her arms around herwaist.
“You’re a brat,” Courtney said and started to laugh.
The two got dressed, and Larkin helpeddry her hair.
“Do you think you’ll go back to your original color?” Larkin asked as she pulled the brush through her hair and held the dryer in her other hand.
“Yes. I never liked the way I looked being this blonde. I always saw a ghost instead of myself in the mirror.”
The way Larkin took care of her hair felt so good, and shecould never remember her mother doing it, even when she was young.
“God, that feels good.”
She watched Larkin grin in the mirror. “I think so, too. The girls and I will brush each other’s hair all the time,” Larkin said.
“Can I brush yours?” Courtney asked.
“Yes. Let’s go sit on the bed. We can watch a movie until Daddy comes.”
The two got comfortable on the mattress, with Larkin sitting cross-legged in front of her. Courtney took her time at first so she didn’t pull on any tangles Larkin’s hair might have. Both of their eyes were on the TV.
Courtney froze when the cartoon came on. She thought it would be like a child’s cartoon, but this one was like Anime—a very sexual one.
“Are you sure it’s okay to watch this?” Courtney murmured as her eyes were fixed on the TV screen.
Larkin looked over her shoulder and grinned. “Have you ever seen this kind of stuff?”
“No. I can’t remember the last time I watched a show on TV. This would have never been allowed at my house.”
Just the thought of the look on her mother’s face whenshe walked into the room almost made her smile.