Page 2 of Daddy's Desire
But it was the lust-filled look with a touch of malicious intent in his eyes that scared her. She wondered if she was imagining it, but he couldn’t seem to hide the cool, cruel, remote darkness in his eyes.
She almost gagged when she felt what she guessed was his hard cock against her pubic area. She tried to put some space between them again, but he just tightened his hold. She knew he was purposely grinding his cock against her, and she gritted her teeth to keep from yelling at him.
When she couldn’t go for another moment, she stopped moving. “I need to use the restroom.”
He looked disappointed but led her off the dance floor.
“You don’t need to take me there, “ she told him when he kept his grip on her.
She could tell he wasn’t pleased by that, but it was too bad. If she had her way, she would never see him again.
Courtney walked on, taking deep breaths to calm herself. Once in the bathroom, she flattened her hands on the counter, leaned toward the mirror, and stared at herself. She couldn’t help but notice the blatant desperation in her expression.
The door behind her opened, and four young women walked in, giggling and talking. All four of them stopped and stared at her as she turned to face them.
One of them came to her, took her hands, and squeezed. “What’s wrong?”
Courtney didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t remember talking to other young women, and these seemed to be as sweet as could be.
Courtney looked back and forth. “Oh, well…”
Another of the women came to her and wrapped an arm around her waist.
“My name is Brylee, and the other ones are Larkin,Sienna, and Nia. What’s yours?”
“It’s Courtney.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Brylee said. “Now that we’re friends, you can tell us what’s wrong, and maybe we can help.”
Courtney felt her throat swell with emotions. “It’s my mother. I think she is going to make me marry a man, and he’s awful,” Courtney said.
The women gasped.
“God, what are you going to do?” Sienna said.
Courtney sniffed. “I don’t know.”
“How old are you?” Larkin asked.
“Twenty-three,” Courtney said.
Sienna looked at Larkin. “What should we do? We can’t let her get married to an awful man.”
Courtney looked on as the four girls talked about how to save her.
“Okay, I’ve got it,” Brylee said. “We’ll give you our phone numbers. We want you to call if or when you need us to come get you.”
“You would do that for me?” Courtney asked.
They all nodded and smiled.
“What will happen when you pick me up?” Courtney knew it wasn’t a matter ofifbutwhenbecause she knew her mother would try to make her marry that man.
“We’ll hide you at my house,” Larkin said. “It will give us some time to come up with a plan. If we can get you away from your mother, we have time for the rest.”
A wave of hope built in her. Could this really happen? Could she get away from her mother once and for all? It was something she dreamed about for years.
Courtney still loved her mother, but she knew it was the mother she had when her father was alive, not the one who turned into the selfish, controlling, greedy, and obsessivewoman she was now.