Page 29 of Daddy's Desire
Courtney stood up but couldn’t stop staring at herself. This haircutmade her look different … pretty.
She twirled and hugged the man. “Oh, thank you, thank you!”
George chuckled. “Anytime. You are a delight to spend time with. Too bad you’re the wrong species for me.”
It took her a second, and shegrinned. “Too bad you’re not on my side of the road.”
He threw back his head and laughed until tears came to his eyes. “You really are precious.”
“You people here turned my day around. Thank you all so much.”
George fanned his eyes with his hand to keep from crying. “Stop it, sister. I hate crying. I get blotchy.”
Courtney grinned.
“Go on up, and Patricia will take care of you.”
“I will. I’ll come back,” she said in a warning tone.
“You better,” he threw back.
Up at the checkout, she spent another ten minutes talking to Patricia. Laughing helped fill some of the hollowness in her heart. She knew it wouldn’t last, but it gave her a reprieve.
“Wow, he’s going to adore you, girl,” Patricia said when she handed over a hundred-dollar bill.
“He deserves it.”
Patricia rolled her eyes. “Don’t say that too loud because if he hears you, we won’t hear the end of it.”
Courtney chuckled.
Courtney went next door and picked up the essentials she’d need for the night. She was waiting behind a family of five for the elevator to come down.
When the door opened and Ronin walked out with a gorgeous woman hanging on him, she ducked down so he couldn’t see her. She hustled into the elevator and pressed against the side, waiting for a few others to come in.
She couldn’t keep from looking at them one more time, even if it felt like a knife through her heart. He was opening the front door for his lady and glanced back. She turned her head to the side and asked the woman a few questions.
When the door finally closed, she was able to take adeep breath. The elevator stopped several times until it finally reached her floor. She slid the key card in, opened and shut the door behind her, and locked it. After she locked it, she slid down to the floor, tucked her knees to her chest, and wept until she started to choke.
She couldn’t believe how wiped out she was. Yes, it had been the day from Hell, but it was like she didn’t have any more life in her.
It took her an hour to shower and get dressed in the nightgown she had bought. She didn’t take time to dry her hair thoroughly because she didn’t have the energy.
Courtney slid into the huge bed and wrapped the blanket around her. No matter how many blankets she put on the bed, she still felt frozeninside.
Before sleep finally came, she promised herself she’d make a good life for herself, and she didn’t need anyone to do it for her.
Chapter Twelve
Ronin did a double take when he thought he had spotted Courtney in the elevator at the hotel where he had his last meeting of the day. It could not be her. Her hair was different, and it appeared she was with an older woman.
He opened the car door for his friend. “Tell your ugly husband I said hi,” he said.
She laughed. “I will certainly tell him that.”
Ronin grinned because her husband was a top model. Hell, they both were. Besides being friends for years, they were some of the nicest people he knew.
“Thanks again for your help with the benefit. I hate meeting those men by myself.”