Page 33 of Daddy's Desire
Courtney cringed when Larkin yelled for the other girls.
“Hey, you’re on speaker,” Larkin told her. “Where areyou?”
She named the hotel.
“Why didn’t you come back here?” Brylee asked. “We were all so worried.”
“I’m sorry. I got some distressing news and just wanted to hide,” Courtney told them.
“Can you tell us?” Sienna asked.
Courtney went over what the lawyer and she had learned the day before. She was surprised at the anger she heard in her friends’ voices.
“That bitch,” Sienna growled. “Can you put her in jail?”
“My father’s, well, nowmylawyer, is looking into pressing charges, but I don’t want to do that. I just want all the money she’s taken from me over the years and for her to apologize for lying to me.”
“Do you want us to kick her ass?” Sienna asked.
The rest of the girls started to argue. Some were for the idea, and others were afraid their daddies would be upset.
Courtney grinned. “No. But thank you.”
“When are you coming back? Should I send Hicks to get you?” Larkin asked.
“Not today. I’m in one of the business offices right now. I’m planning on looking for a condo and job.”
“Wait,” Brylee burst out. “Why aren’t you letting the daddies help?”
“Because they’re not my daddies.”
“It doesn’t matter. They still care and want to help,” Shelby said. “What about Ronin? He’s going to be disappointed that you’re not asking for help.”
Courtney’s stomach tightened. “No. I don’t think so.”
The girls got quiet.
“What happened?” Nia asked.
“When I got here, I was waiting for the elevator. When itopened, he came out with a stunning blonde. The two together looked so perfect.”
“Maybe it’s not what you’re thinking,” Brylee explained.
“They were very affectionate with each other,” Courtney told them.
There was another minute of silence.
“I just can’t see Ronin with another woman when he wants you,” Shelby said.
“But does he really want me? Think about it. He helped me that one night and the next day for a bit. When we got back to Larkin’s, he pretty much sluffed me off. He kissed the top of my head and said he had to be somewhere, then left. He never said anything about wanting to see me again.”
“I really thought he liked you,” Sienna popped in.
“I did at first, too. Larkin was there, so she saw it. Right, Larkin?” Courtney asked.
“Yeah. But I still thought he was into you.”
Courtney swallowed. “You guys, he can like me as a friend, right?”