Page 7 of Daddy's Desire
Courtney hugged her and tried but failed to hold back her tears. She’d never felt this overwhelming feeling of relief in her life, and it made her lightheaded and very emotional.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” Brylee said on her other side.
The three in the back held hands while Larkin turned to look over the front seat to talk to them. She smiled at Nia when she looked in the rearview mirror. She was impressed by how good the girl was. She’d never driven a day in her life and was afraid even to try.
Courtney looked out the window as they drove through the city. She recognized the street Nia turned down and frowned. This is where the ultra-rich people lived. She’d been to a few parties with her mother in a few of the homes.
Her eyes widened when they slowed and pulled in through huge metal gates. No way. She had always thought thishouse was the coolest thing and always wondered who lived there.
“Who lives here?” she asked.
Larkin smiled. “Me and my daddy.”
“Oh, is your mother gone then?” she asked.
The four girls laughed.
“It’s not her real daddy. We all have relationships with men that live the Dd/little type,” Brylee said. “We just call them Daddy like an endearment, like Honey or Sweetheart.”
“I’ve never heard of this before,” Courtney said.
“We hadn’t either until we met our men,” Sienna said.
She wanted to ask so many more questions, but they pulled up behind the house and parked. They all scrambled out, and Brylee pulled the suitcase from the trunk.
“Let’s hurry,” Larkin said. “I want us to get to the playroom before anyone sees us.”
The five rushed into a side door and up a set of steps. They hurried down a long hallway and into a room that took her breath away. The walls were a pretty pink color, and there were toys, dolls, and books everywhere.
“This is my playroom,” Larkin told her.
“This is amazing,” Courtney said.
Larkin grinned and then gasped when Sienna called her spoiled.
“I am not,” Larkin yelled.
“Yes, you are,” Sienna said, smirked, and crossed her arms over her chest.
Larkin growled.
Courtney stiffened when she thought the two would start fighting, but the other girls just laughed.
“Don’t mind them,” Nia said. “They always fight.”
Courtney nodded but was still unsure.
“Let’s put the bag in the closet. I don’t want my daddy tosee it,” Larkin said and pushed it to the back. “You can still get to it easily, and there’s a light so you can see.”
“We need to make a plan,” Brylee said.
Larkin walked to the other side of the room. “Let’s sit over here on the floor. We can talk quietly and hide Courtney quickly if we have to.”
The five sat in a circle.
“I want to thank you all so much. I was dreading having to talk to the creep my mother invited over. The jerk had me on the dance floor within two minutes of meeting me the other night and held me too tight. The worst part was he started to rub his…” She pointed down to her groin.
“Cock?” Sienna grinned.