Page 11 of Hostile Holiday
He cocked his head, and she just wanted to stroke his white fur. “Why would it not be a fair fight?”
“He has always been stronger. Not just because he’s bigger, but he’s the most powerful one in the family.”
“I see.” He paused and then said, “Wash and dress. I will speak with you later.”
She nodded and said softly, “Thanks for getting me out of the arena. The guys there were... forthright.”
His fur stood up slightly. “How so?”
“Never mind. It doesn’t matter. Nothing happened, so nothing will happen.”
His tail lashed, and it definitely wasn’t a wag.
“How do you deal with that attached to your butt?” she blurted out.
He paused. “It isn’t. It is an extension of my spine. But in actuality, it is a projection of my magic. Why are you so interested in my tail?”
She shrugged. “I have no idea. I just keep staring at you like I am going to see something different.”
Hunter chortled. “You have good instincts.”
“Um, thank you.” Orla looked around. “Do I put this stuff back on again? At the arena, I had a smock and loose trousers.”
He sighed and flicked his fingers. A dress and outer garment formed over her arm. “Those are temporary until something more permanent can be obtained.”
She nodded and looked around. “And the bathing room?”
“Over there.” He gestured with his muzzle.
“Okay. Thank you.”
He turned and walked away, his tail half raised and swaying as he walked. She watched as he left the room, did a quick sweepof the bed, desk and huge window, and then she headed for a shower.
It wasn’t a shower but a bath, but she quickly scrubbed up and washed her hair. She got out before the water would turn to ice or mud or blood. Her brother had been creative and twisted.
Orla towelled off and put the dress on before shrugging into the robe. It was surprisingly comfy. She found a brush and worked it through her hair. She flicked it behind her and walked out into the main room.
Orla sat at the foot of the bed and waited. She remained there, motionless, for hours until a servant came in looking for her.
“Miss? Lord Winter wishes you to join him in the library.” The young man looked surprised to see her there.
“Oh. Thank you. Will you lead the way?” She rose to her feet.
“Of course, miss.” He nodded and gestured toward the door.
Orla left the room and waited in the hall. The servant closed her door and walked further into the structure. The halls were pretty with a pearly sheen. The relief on the walls was a depiction of wolves running in the curls of wind with bright snowflakes. It was very pretty, and she found it soothing. Winter had always covered darkness for her. The snow caught every hint of light and held it.
The room she was shown to was a library and some kind of lab. There were dozens and dozens of brightly coloured fluids on shelves on one wall, and all other walls were covered with magic books.
Orla looked around. “Oohhh.”
Hunter walked in and asked the servant, “Where did you find her?”
“In her room, sir.”
“Her room?”
Orla shrugged. “You didn’t say I was free to leave, so I just waited.”