Page 29 of Hostile Holiday
He chuckled. “Funny. You will be visiting a lot of elders today, and they want women to dress elegantly.”
“What about what I want?”
“If this isn’t comfortable, I am sure you can negotiate.” He chuckled as he made the bed, pulling out the book on sex. “Research?”
“Yeah, it has pictures.” She went to the closet and found the ugly sweater. She stroked it, smiled, and then turned back to the clothes. “I will try and get dressed now. Those boots look dangerous.”
“I will leave you to it. Shall I put the books back in the library?”
“Sure. I can find them later.”
He gathered them up and lumbered out.
She cocked her head. He was furry, but she didn’t want him. Interesting. It wasn’t just the fuzz.
* * * *
Yesoff chuckled as he finished putting the books in the library when Lord Winter came in. “It isn’t the fur. It’s you.”
“I was in there for five minutes chatting with her, and there wasn’t a flicker of interest. So, the attraction to you is definite.”
The look on the Lord of Winter’s face was surprising. There was a slow blush on his cheeks.
“She’s getting dressed for your travels today.” Yesoff chuckled. “And she isn’t just after your fur.”
His boss rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks for checking.”
“No problem, boss.” Yesoff shrank back to his human form. “Do you need a driver?”
“No. I will drive us, thank you.” He looked toward the stairs where the steady clack of heels was making their way.
Yesoff had seen his boss with dozens of women over the years, but after his celibacy for the last five years, he had thought that that was it. Suddenly, his area of interest had switched, and it was amusing to watch.
* * * *
Orla walked into the kitchen and found both men waiting for her, sitting in silence. She paused. “Is there coffee?”
Yesoff turned with two cups in his hands. “Of course. You two are having breakfast in town, so have your coffee and a lovely day.”
“We are having breakfast in town?” Orla looked at Hunter.
“There are some people you need to meet and some questions that need to be answered.” He smiled. “And one of those people is making waffles. Drink your coffee, and we will hit the road.”
Orla stared, shrugged, and sat down. Her coffee was set to her liking in a moment, and she drank it in one long draught.
Hunter blinked. “Didn’t you burn your throat?”
“No. I don’t burn. I also don’t freeze anymore.”
He nodded, cooled his coffee slightly, and drank it. “Let’s go.”
Yesoff smiled. “Have fun and enjoy yourselves. I will be here, eating my way through the fridge.”
Orla nodded and got to her feet. Hunter got up and went to a coat rack near the back door, getting a ladies’ coat for her and a long wool coat for him. He was dressed in a vest, long-sleeved shirt, and trousers. “Why are we travelling in office fancy?”
“Because we will be meeting with a variety of people today, and some require this attire so that we blend in.”