Page 36 of Hostile Holiday
“Still working three jobs?”
“Sure. I don’t get tired, and I like to keep busy, so lots of jobs and lots of work.”
“I thought you had to work for money.”
“I sort of do, but not anymore. I own three of the stores I have worked at, including this place. It drives the gym bros across the way nuts when we have our donut Wednesdays.”
Hunter looked up. “You have an issue with the gym owner?”
“Sometimes. He doesn’t like his cross-fit clients coming in covered in powdered sugar.” Emery glanced over. “Oh, good. He’s on his way.”
Orla looked over at the imposing figure crossing the street. His skin was bronze, his hair was black, and his eyes were orangey gold. “You have a beef with that?”
“Beef is a good word. He had half of his minions on keto last month. That was a lot of beef, cheese, and bacon. Sure, they could have had a salad, but that wasn’t their choice,” Emery muttered.
Orla blinked. “So, you faced off against him?”
The man in question was approaching the door.
Emery shrugged. “Sure. All the time. I think it freaks him out. Now, do you want me to prove I am a star? We will have to take a walk to the ladies’ room.”
Orla was out of her seat in a moment. “Meet you there.”
Emery dashed out and sprinted across the room to the ladies’ room, and when Orla was in, she closed the door and flicked off the light. “So, is this what you were expecting?”
Emery was glowing golden orange and smiling at Orla. Orla blinked as her friend changed and stood straight. “Oh, wow.”
“Yeah. It catches a bit of attention, so I am just little ol’ me.”
Orla was stunned at her friend’s appearance. “When did this happen?”
“When I got that foster home in my teens. They helped me unlock... well... me.” She chuckled, her black eyes glowing with an orange halo. “But, human me gets good tips.”
She shrank back to less than six feet tall, and Orla hugged her. “You and me.”
Emery chuckled. “Forever, whether we want it or not. Some stars always travel together and fall together. When you are fully to yourself, you will know how long we have been close.”
“What star are you?”
“No clue. That is the one thing I can’t guess at.” She smiled. “I never saw myself from that angle.”
“Where are we from?”
“The Andromeda Galaxy. Now, this is a one-person bathroom, so I don’t want things to be weird.”
“Wait, can I ask you about this again?”
“Sure. You know where to find me.” Emery hugged her.
“I... I don’t know why I stopped talking to you as much as when we were in school.”
“Your mother died. Your father kicked you out, and you were in a speed wobble. I supported you as best I could and made sure you could find food, shelter, and eventually a crappy car that surprisingly didn’t need a lot of repairs.”
Orla blinked. “You did that?”
“Whether you remembered me or not, I had your back and always will. Remember that.”
Orla hugged her. “Thanks, Emery. So, when are you going to be yourself around here?”