Page 49 of Troy
“Oh, go and get a room, you two!” Mason calls out making me laugh as we abandon him.
“So, what have you got in mind then?” I whisper huskily into his ear as we wait for the elevator, my hand traveling down the curve of his tight ass.
“Wait and see, but trust me; it involves a lot of orgasms.”
“Oh, those are the best kind of thoughts.” I chuckle and let him steer me home and all the way to our bed.
The rest of the week is much the same: hour upon hour of coaching, not only me but Ben has had a tough time, too. Questions accusing him of tampering with the call and of us setting it up. Any sort of shit the other side could use, Mason throws at us.
But it is working, I can see the difference in Mason as I come back with my answers time after time. He assures us he will call any we are not prepared for into question. He is so good at his job; he hasn’t lost a case yet. Luckily, I can afford him, although I know he does his fair share of pro bono work and cases for charities.
“Okay, guys, let’s wrap this up.” Mason slams close his file and smiles around the table; it’s full today. Raff sits next to his brother—they’ve had a fair share of tough questions. Corrie seems slightly more at ease with Austin but there is a tension there I can’t work out. Ben perches next to Lucas, talking quietly, and I have a seat on Raff’s other side. My back aches and my head hurts; five days of this and I’m bone tired, but the end is in sight and we head off to the courthouse middle of next week.
“So, keep a clear head and get some sleep. I’m not calling you back next week unless you have anything you would like to discuss, especially you, Troy. You are going to have the toughest time and I think you need to be prepared to be cross-examined for most of the day.”
“Nah, I’m good. I’m just going to wing it on the day.” I deadpan and then look to Raff, “I think I owe you some orgasms, gorgeous.” Pushing my chair back, I stand up to complete silence. Mason seems about to explode, Corrie holds his breath so he doesn’t laugh like the others.
“Fuck off outta my sight, Ballantyne.” Mason snarls.
“Love you too, Mason.” I blow him a kiss then scamper out before he can grab me.
“That’s my man there, Reynolds, you watch your manners.” Rafferty regards him and smiles sweetly.
Lounging against the wall opposite the conference room door, I push myself upright as Raff swaggers towards me, his eyes flash and his tongue slides lazily over his bottom lip. I love him in total predator mode. Hands hitting the wall on either side of my head as his hips push me against it, he lowers his head and rubs his nose up the length of mine then back down. His lips hover over mine, his coffee-scented breath hitting my lips, then his tongue slips between the seam of my parched mouth.
Reaching up between our tight bodies, I grab hold of his shirt—I can hear my moan but Raff swallows any noise to anyone around. His hands stay fixed to the wall but his hips rock marginally, I can feel the pressure of his erection rubbing the edge of mine.
I’m sure I hear quiet voices nearby but it’s a busy office, people work all around us. It’s Raff’s amazing kissing skills that keep the world at bay until a loud roar echoes, causing Raff to lift his head slowly and I become aware of my surroundings again. Scanning around, I find girls laughing—their cell phones pointed at us as they swoon—ignoring the evil stare of their boss. One even blows us a kiss before she turns back into her office.
“Jesus, you two! I warned you! The women here are crazy! They’ve been dying to catch even a glimpse of either of you and now they have your floor show on their damn phones.” Mason shakes his head but I see the laughter in his eyes. “Come on, you can buy me a beer after all the grief you’ve caused me.”
I stare at him like he’s crazy; Raff has me about to cum my pants and he wants a beer?
“Er, probably not the best idea, bro. I think they may have issues they need to resolve.” Austin laughs at Mason as he walks out behind him.
“I don’t fucking care, they make out like dogs and then don’t expect a bucket of water over them?” Mason glares at Raff. “Come on! And you’re buying, McMahon.” As he marches past, he winks.
Corrie walks up to Raff and thumps his arm, “Cock-blocked by a man you’re paying: priceless!”
“Fuck you, baby brother!” Raff grumbles. On their heels, we surreptitiously rearrange our junk.
“One drink, asshole; I’m buying you one fucking beer!”
The last few days have gone too quickly; I kept us busy inside and out of bed but the waiting has taken its toll on Troy, and now he sits alone on a chair at the bottom of the garden. I give him this time alone, he needs to withdraw and gather his thoughts without my incessant interruptions.
Mason is here to talk us through what will happen tomorrow and what sort of reception we are likely to get when we arrive at the courthouse. Nico and Ryan are here, too, and will stay the night. I think Troy needs his brother near him even though he hasn’t mentioned it.
“How long has he been down there?” Nico breaks through my musings.
“Most of the afternoon. When I go down there, he tells me he’s fine and not to worry. But that’s not going to stop me, is it?” I keep my eyes on him and I know he feels me because he peers over his shoulder, giving me a small smile.
“Do you want me to talk to him?”
“No, he’ll come back up when he’s ready. He’s going to be okay, y’know? He just likes the solitude sometimes, he’s got his iPod’s earbuds in.” I chuckle at his constant choice of artist which causes Nico to look at me questioningly. “He’s found a young singer called Troye Sivan and says his lyrics seem to sum up his life so far. I like it, it makes him happy. So, if he is taking strength from music, I feel okay with him sitting there.”
“Yeah, I get that. I had lyrics from 3 Doors Down that always meant so much to me.” Nico speaks gruffly as he remembers his own time alone.
“Not long ago he would have gone to Franco’s grave, so, to me, this is progress.” I sigh, wishing I had my arms wrapped around him.