Page 16 of Narrow Margins
“Griff, do you have any idea where you’re going?” Corrie asks as he glances out the window.
“No fucking clue, but, damn, this car feels good!” I’m laughing hard.
“Okay, then, take a right here and follow the road for about a mile; I’ll show you something good.” Corrie’s wink increases my laughter.
“Baby, I’ll look at anything good you’ve got.” I’m having so much fun. “This is better than bunking off school.”
I do slow down and take in some of the scenery, we’ve moved quickly away from the city and into the suburbs.
“Take the next left, then, half a mile down, turn onto the side road.”
“You’re the boss.” I look over and Corrie gives me a strange look. “Whatcha looking at me like that for?”
“You look good. Happy, I mean. You haven’t up until now. I like it.” He speaks quietly.
“Yeah? Well, I’ve had a lot of new stuff thrown at me. You being the biggest shock of all.” I shake my head at it all. Glimpsing the side road, I slow down to move over the rough and bumpy, sandy road.
“Go through the trees, then pull over.” Corrie points ahead, through the tall pine trees.
I follow his directions and come to a stop. My mouth drops as I stare at the lake in front of me. There is more than a slight breeze today and waves lap against the shore line. My eyes adjust to the sunshine and I wish I had my sunglasses, but I see the city to the front and left. Looking up the incline to the left, I wonder if Corrie’s home is up there somewhere. My eyes move down and scan the shoreline, seeing the sun bouncing off windows of some spectacular homes.
“Whoa, there’s some great houses along here. I wonder what it cost to buy and build along here?” I’m talking to myself but Corrie hears me and slings an arm over my shoulder. I tense at the heat that flows through me. Corrie must have felt me because he removes his arm, leaving me desperate for his touch. But, no, he simply points to the furthest house.
“That one belongs to a guy called Lake Davenport, he’s Austin’s cousin. He lives there with his wife and twin boys.”
My head whips around, “Do they live around here? All of them?”
Corrie nods, “Yeah. Nico, Ryan and Troy are all good friends with them.”
“Shit! I really never wanted to see Austin Reynolds again.” I mumble to myself.
“He got you off, didn’t he?” Corrie sounds pissed about this. “And, if you hadn’t been so stubborn, it could have been quashed a darn sight quicker.” ”
“Why do you think I wanted to leave you out of it?” I see the fun of this afternoon disappearing rapidly.
“Embarrassment, I expect. I doubt you wanted to explain how you spent the night fucking a cripple!” Corrie spits, his eyes still on the beautiful surroundings.
“Yeah, I thought that’s what you would think, but you’re wrong, so wrong.” I shake my head.
“What, then? What could you possibly have thought more important than your freedom? Because you nearly went to jail. Shit, Griff! I can’t work you out.” Corrie is seriously angry.
“You! You were the reason! I knew who you were, what family you came from and I was damned if I was dragging your name through the shit!”
“Bullshit! You knew I wanted to help and you ignored my messages and voicemails. If I was prepared to reach out to you, then you should have grabbed it! You’re just making that excuse now!” Corrie paces, his limp more pronounced, making me feel even worse; I should’ve simply driven him home. “You went gay for the night and you fucking loved it. But the next day, after I’d gone, you regretted it; there was no way you were going to admit to it!”
“Are you finished?” I rush him, invading his space. I know he wants to step away but also that he won’t back down. “You are so wrong. That was, hands down, the greatest night of my life. I didn’t want to get you involved. I didn’t want to tarnish my memory of it, of us, of you. It was perfect.”
We are so close, we breathe in each other’s breath. I want to grab his head, bury my fingers in his hair and pull him closer, so I can kiss him. Corrie’s eyes are fixed on mine, the brilliant blue flashing silver at me and I recoil, taking a step back.
“I’d never thought about whether I’m straight or gay, I just had women coming on to me. I just went with them. Hell, I still wanted to fuck! But after my night with you… fuck, I got thinking and yep! I reckon I’m gay.” I stutter as he glares at me.
“You’re kidding me, right?” Corrie shakes his head and laughs at me. “You’re not gay, Griff. A couple of blowjobs and a simple ass fuck does not make you gay. Gay is something you’re born with, it’s not a conscious decision, like ‘Oh, y’know what, I think I’ll try gay.’ It’s deep down, it grows and consumes you. I have never been with a woman. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate beauty in a woman. I can accept a body in good shape, but I have never kissed a woman, let alone fuck one.”
Walking a few steps away from me, Corrie is still laughing as he shakes his head.
“Fuck you, Corrigan! You don’t get to talk to me like that. I have been honest with you and you throw it back in my face.” I still want to kiss him, the bastard.
“Okay, so, in the… what is it, eight? Ten months, since I fucked you, how many men have you been with?” Corrie continues to mock me, I want to hate him right now.