Page 32 of Narrow Margins
“Yeah, I can talk. What’s up?” I’m surprised to see Ryan’s name flash up on my phone, but you can’t exactly ignore one of your bosses when they call. I sit out in the sunshine after a hectic week at work as well as the constant talking with Corrie; we have so much to say and to share that, although our nights are filled with kisses and soft, tender touches, we have kept it to purely that.
“I thought you could do with a bit of an adrenaline boost, you and Corrie up for some fun?” His words, rather than his deep and very sexy voice, gets my curiosity.
“I think we could go down with some of that, let me ask him.” I call out to Corrie, “It may take a minute to catch his attention, he’s pounding up and down the length of the pool at this moment.”
I love to watch him swim but I think this is more of a stress reliever than exercise or even physio. I still won’t let him fuck me and it’s been nearly a week now; I think his prophecy about the color of my balls may be coming true.
“What’s up? Aren’t you tiring him out enough yourself? I guess the rumors weren’t that accurate.” Ryan chuckles but it annoys me.
“Mind your own fucking business, we’re doing fine.” I growl then shout out Corrie’s name as he surfaces at the other end of the pool, not bothering to cover the mouthpiece, and chuckle when I hear Ryan’s obscenity at the noise. My mouth goes dry as I contemplate Corrie dragging himself out of the water and standing perfectly still on one leg while drying himself off. Grabbing his crutches, he springs over to me. Shaking his wet hair over me, I shriek then drag him down for a kiss.
“Are you going to ask him the fucking question, Broderick, or am I wasting my time here?” Ryan barks down the phone.
“Keep your hair on,” I turn to Corrie as he stretches himself out on the lounger, “Corr, Ryan wants to know if we’re up for an adrenaline boost. You fancy that?”
“Today?” He questions as his hands rub down his chest and over his speedos, my mouth goes dry again at the sight but I rein it in and relay the question to Ryan. His reply of later this afternoon gets Corrie’s agreement.
“Okay, boss, you’re on, where and when?”
“I’ll send you the details for your GPS, the rest is a surprise. See you at two.” Ryan ends the call.
“Weird, he wouldn’t tell me where, just that he will give the GPS details. Anyway, fuck him. Come here, I want more kisses. Oh, a blowjob too, please, if you don’t mind.” My eyes roam his smooth, tan skin and the divine muscles rippling under it, the eight squares on his stomach flex as he laughs at me.
“No fucking way! Your rules now, sweetheart, not mine.” He laughs but still pulls me close for a kiss.
An hour later, we’re on our way, still not knowing where we are going. Corrie drives as he has more of an idea of where we are. After about forty-five minutes, Corrie chuckles and a huge smile curls his lips. Looking across, his eyes sparkle with mischief.
“You’ve worked out where we’re going, haven’t you?” I check him.
“Yeah, it’s good. Like, ‘you’re gonna freak out’ good.” This time he winks.
“You fucker!” I laugh and lean over the console and whisper, “You look so fucking hot when you smile at me like that.”
Leaning back in my seat, I watch the blush spread over his face. It’s been a long six days since I called him out on his feelings and trust issues. We work well together and talk non-stop. I think he’s there, but I have to wait until he admits it, first to himself and then to me. I hope a day with his family and friends will encourage him to accept what we are together, and that I am happy to be with him as a couple.
Then Corrie takes a left turn and we head down a wide asphalt road. Suddenly, my senses heighten as I take in the sight of a grandstand and garages then I see the race track coming up ahead. Twisting, I look at Corrie, his smile reaches from ear to ear and I know mine mirrors his.
“Racing?” My eyes are wide as saucers and I’m almost bouncing in my seat. Corrie nods and drives under the broad arch, entering the track and taking a right turn into the pit lane.
“You’ve been here before?” I turn my head to look out the window, drinking it all in.
Corrie nods again, and slows down as we see a group of young men and women. Jesus, what do they have in the water around here? I’ve never seen a group of such beautiful people, but then I see Austin standing with the others. Nico and Troy are talking to a tall, blond man who has his arm around the shoulder of a gorgeous brunette.
“Christ, they’re a good-looking bunch, I’m not sure I fit in here.” I look at Corrie who simply shakes his head.
“You’re gorgeous, Griff, don’t doubt that for a moment.” He comes to a stop and switches off the engine. Swiveling to face me, he offers a small smile. “You ready?”
I stare around the grounds and am instantly back in the zone, I smell the rubber of overheated tires, hear the roar of the crowds and see the rush and buzz of the pit lane and garages. The constant noise of engines being revved and tested, along with the cursing of the mechanics and the constant chatter of the sponsors wowing their friends. Then I’m back in the now and find Corrie’s face watching me excitedly.
“What are we racing? Cars? Are you gonna put this beauty around the track?” My questions burst out like a child waiting for a present.
“Maybe, I’m not sure, we have done before.” Corrie looks enthusiastic but nowhere near my level of adrenaline-pumping excitement.
Then I see Ryan and he’s in full race leathers, making my heart spike. “Bikes?” I watch as the crowd turns and looks at us. “Fuck me! I’m in. Lead the way, baby.”
I’m out of the car and stride around the front to wait for Corrie. Extending my hand, he catches hold of it and I pull him close to me. “I’m letting you know now that I’m getting you on the back of a bike today, so don’t even dare to think of an excuse. I want to feel your thighs pressed up against mine, you’re gonna feel the throb of a shit hot engine racing through you.”
I kiss him hard, it’s a long kiss that pours all my desperation, my desire for him to trust me, into him. Hearing some coughing and a few laughs, I pull away from Corrie’s body. Wiping my bottom lip with my thumb, my dark eyes roam Corrie’s stunned face.