Page 56 of Narrow Margins
“C’mon, Corr, give me some credit. You’re keeping something from me, I don’t mind if you don’t want to talk about it, but tell me that. Don’t hide it from me, baby.” I run my hand through his hair and down his neck, lifting his head with two fingers under his chin when he hides from me.
“I know, sweetheart, but I didn’t want to burden you with my crap.” A long sigh escapes from him as I bend down to kiss him.
“It’s not a burden, Corr; it’s what couples do, they share the troubles just as much as the good times.”
“Okay, it’s my father. He’s ill, like seriously ill, and they don’t think he has long to go. It was his lawyer calling last night; apparently, he wants to see us, me and Raff. I really don’t ever want to set eyes on him again. I don’t know if he has called Raff too, I’m guessing not since he hasn’t called me.” Corrie picks up the shampoo and starts to wash his hair. Accepting the bottle, I do the same.
“Are you going to tell Raff? I think you should, why should you be the one to shoulder all of this?” I dunk my head under the scolding water to rinse off the suds. “Don’t you think?”
“I will, when we get to the gym.” Corrie finishes washing and grabs his towel, drying off before heading back to the bedroom.
After washing myself, I follow him and get dressed. Corrie has already gone downstairs and I smell coffee brewing.
“Are we taking that to go?” I ask as I amble into the kitchen, Corrie nods and passes me my travel mug and a toasted bagel. “Ooh, you spoil me.” I smile and drop a kiss on his cheek.
“Yeah, and don’t you forget it.” Corrie grabs his and we head to the garage. Our gear for the trip is already loaded in the trunk so, after setting the alarm, we head out for the weekend away.
Griff drops another kiss on my cheek and makes a beeline for the locker room: he wants to work out before we head off. I smile and let him go, and contemplate his tight ass walk away from me, damn, I’ve got it bad.
Shaking my head to clear the thoughts of last night and how hot we were, I visit Raff’s office. I hear voices as I arrive at his door and knock. Raff answers and smiles. Okay, so, I’m guessing, he hasn’t been called. Troy leans against the huge window as he observes the gym, these two are never far apart and I love that. I’m also sure this is what I have with Griff.
“Hey, bro, what’s up?” Raff steps back and lets me in the room. “Shit! What’s happened? Is it Griff? What’s he done?”
“No, it’s not Griff! For fuck’s sake, Raff, what is your problem with him? The only thing he’s ever done is call you out when you were being a dick. So, lay the fuck off him, he’s with me and he’s staying with me. Get used to it and shut the damn hell up about him.” I glare until he backs down.
“I warned you, Raff, my love.” Troy murmurs behind him.
“No, the big ass problem I, and now you, have is that I had that fuck Steinberg call me last night.” I wait for his brain to catch up.
“What the fuck does that asshole want?” Raff automatically pulls Troy against him, holding him close.
“He says that our father is ill, and it’s not looking good for him. He’s asking to see us. I told him there was no way I was going, telling him to fuck off and not call again. I’m surprised he didn’t try you, too.” I lean back against the wall and let my brother take all this on board.
“I had a missed call last night but I didn’t bother calling back, I didn’t recognize the number so ignored it. Damn glad I did now.”
“So, we’re agreed that we won’t go? ‘Cos I’m away with Griff today, till Sunday, and don’t plan on answering my phone unless I know the number. I’ve blocked the one he called me on last night but I’m sure he has plenty of others.”
“Where are you going? You haven’t mentioned it before.” Raff asks.
“We’re going back to his place to arrange getting his stuff shipped over to here, I don’t need your permission, Raff.” I note Troy studying me, he can smell a rat a mile away but he’s fine with it. Probably because it’s true to a certain extent; we will be able to get his bikes ready to ship but it’s not the reason we are going.
“Yeah, okay. I’m sorry, I know I’m being a prick and I promise to sort myself out.” Raff offers as an apology.
“I’d like to speak to Griff on Monday, Corrie; can you ask him to give me a call or come up and see me before you both leave?” Troy looks at me, smiling.
“Sure, I’ll give him the message.” Before anyone can say anything else, both mine and Raff’s cell phones ring.
“Son of a gun! It’s the same number as last night.” Raff looks up at me.
“Mines different but only by a couple of digits, I’m not answering the fucker.” I hit quit and turn it off.
Raff ends his call without answering also, at least we can agree on that. I’m not sure if he turns his off but that’s his choice, I’m sure it will only keep ringing until he either answers or switches it off.
“Right, I’ve got some coursework to do and then a session with Ben and a new guy, a young vet who’s just arrived here for rehab. Raff, I’ll catch you later.” I wave and head out to the office I use as a study.
The next few hours race by and I’m about to pack up and meet with Griff when Raff sticks his head around the door.
“Hey, Corrie, we need to talk.” His face is grim and it’s obvious he doesn’t want to do this.