Page 60 of Narrow Margins
“Hey, Griff, wait, please.” Callie calls and I stop; I’m too polite not to.
Her arm wraps around me again and resentment fills me when I see a flash of a camera as she embraces me.
“Callie, will you please stop touching me like this? It’s making me very uncomfortable. I don’t know what you’re playing at, but I’m in a solid relationship and have no intention of upsetting him by any photographs that have been taken tonight.”
“Him?” She looks at me and a flush covers her face. Not of embarrassment but anger by the flash in her eyes. “You said him, are you really with a man? I didn’t believe the photographs, I think I could show you a much better time than you can ever have with a man. Like my daddy said, I can do anything for you.”
“Callie, stop playing games, this is not going to happen so, can I, please, just go to my room and get some sleep?”
Her scowl disappears and she smiles then throws her arms around my neck and kisses my mouth. What the fuck is up with her? Shoving her body away from me, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.
“Something for you to dream about, baby.” She simpers and sashays away from me. I wait for her to step into the elevator before calling for another one, there is no way I am going to get in that enclosed space with her.
Getting to my room, I shrug out of my clothes and climb into the oversized, comfortable, but very empty, bed. Pressing the call button to speak to Corrie, his cell goes straight to voicemail. I frown at the screen then leave a message.
“Corrie, baby, I hope you’re okay. I’ve just climbed into my empty bed and I miss you so much. I’ll call you in the morning. I love you.” I end the call and set my phone on the night table then flip off the side light with the switch on the wall.
Even though I’m tired, my brain won’t shut off and all I can think off is how to get out of this. I don’t think that, however good the team is, I can work with that woman. I turn my thoughts to Corrie and run over every inch of his body, revisiting the last time he was inside me. My hand slides down to my groin and I stroke my stiff dick, quickly bringing myself to climax as cry out Corrie’s name. Sated and cleaned up, I drift off to sleep.
Waking, I feel disorientated then remember where I am and why I’m alone. I reach across for my phone, expecting to see a message from Corrie, but there’s nothing: no messages, missed calls or voicemails. Maybe things are worse there than he expected. I shouldn’t have come, I should have stayed with him. I need to get through today, but I’m not sure this is the right team for me. They seem to be getting more from me than I am from them.
Dragging myself out of bed, I enter the bathroom. Leaning in, I start the shower while I pee. Not taking too long under the hot water, I rapidly wash and get out. My rumbling stomach makes me think about breakfast: it should be here soon. Preparing a coffee, I try calling Corrie again but his phone still goes straight to voicemail. Damn, I really need to hear his voice, I want to share my misgivings about this team. I don’t want to do this alone.
As I’m ready to call him again, a knock sounds on my door. That will be breakfast, so, after pulling my De’ath of You T-shirt over my head, I answer.
“Ooh, Griff, you look good enough to eat.” Callie stands, dressed up with more make-up than a day at a race track warrants. I hold back a smirk as she smiles and flutters her eyelashes: which part of me being gay is difficult to understand?
“Oh, Callie, hi.” I frown as she tries to come into my suite. “Why are you here, Callie? We’re supposed to meet downstairs, and not for another forty-five minutes.”
“I thought I’d come and keep you company. Are you going to let me in?” Again, with the simpering.
“Er, that will be a no, Callie. I’ve got some calls home to make, to my boyfriend.” I reiterate, trying to stay calm. Her smile falters for a split second but perks up again.
“I’m sure he’s still sleeping. Come on, Griff, it will be good for us to get to know each other. We’ll be working close together once you’re on the team.” Still trying to step in through my door, Callie leans into me.
“Callie, go and wait for me to meet you downstairs, I will see you soon.” I step back through my door and start to close it.
“Oh, okay, I’ll see you in a few. I need to call daddy anyway.” She pouts and steps back before turning and traipsing back down the corridor.
When the door gets tapped again, I check through the spy hole before opening it. This time it is my breakfast.
There’s still no answer from Corrie and it’s time for me to go to the track so, leaving another message, I march out the door and head to the elevator. It’s moments until I’m in the foyer and looking for Callie. I hear her calling me before I see her and walk in the direction of her shrill voice, dragging my heels to slow down the inevitable. Damn, this woman annoys me.
Linking her arm through mine, she all but drags me out into the street where the driver from last night opens the door of a large SUV. Callie climbs in while I supervise my leathers and other bike gear being stowed into the large trunk. Then I climb in the front, ignoring Callie’s frown and huff of displeasure: this is going to be a long day. I look out of the window and again see a photographer; do they just hang around hotels or do the staff give them a tipoff?
Callie’s chatter goes on relentlessly but I manage to tune most of it out. But, every now and again, she strokes my shoulder to reiterate something she has said. Fortunately, it doesn’t take more than twenty minutes to get out of town and down to the race track. My shoulders stiffen and my back grows rigid as I see more photographers and a small film crew standing by the entrance to the garage. The driver slowly moves forward, giving them a chance to move out of the way, then carefully maneuvers the vehicle into a designated parking space.
“Oh, goodie, daddy’s got the production team here!” Callie shakes up her hair and checks her face in the rearview mirror before getting out and excitedly running to my door.
Jeez, does she ever stop? I sigh and hear a titter coming from the driver as I shake my head. “The joys of being young and privileged, don’t you think?” He smiles at me.
I let myself out of the car and manage to smile at the guys in the garage and disregard the cameras. I step over to introduce myself to the mechanics, some of them I’ve met over the years on the track, others are new to me. Shrugging my arm loose from Callie’s grasp yet again, I give her a look to tell her to back off but it’s the deep voice of Bill Simmons that has her attention.
“For goodness sake, Callie, leave the man alone.” Bill walks briskly over to us and brushes past his daughter, holding out his hand for me to shake. “Good to see you here, Griff. Let me show you where you can change and then the mechanics can talk you through our setup.”
“That sound’s great.” I’m desperately trying to drum up more enthusiasm for the day, at least I get to be on a bike again, and race balls to the wall around the track.
“Don’t mind Callie, she’s a good girl. She’s had a crush on you for a few years now.” He pats my shoulder and leads me to a small room with changing facilities and a shower. “Here you go, son. I’ll wait for you back in the garage.”