Page 62 of Narrow Margins
I don’t seem to be able to move, I’ve been sitting here, in the living room, all day. It’s dark outside and I’m still not able to shift and go to bed. I need this day to be over. My only movement is to refresh the screen to see if there are any more images of Griff, my heart squeezes tight in my chest at the mere thought of his name. Suddenly, I can’t breathe, the pain wracks through my chest as I think of his warm body slipping over mine, the smell of his skin as I bury my head in his neck. His taste as I slide my tongue over his taut muscles. Oh god! Am I ever going to get that again? Will I ever see him again?
My head drops down as I rest my hands on my knees, I close my eyes but snap them open when all I see is him. Griff: laughing as we mess about in bed, smiling as he climbs off his motorcycle and looks for me, his eyes rolling back when he comes as I stroke in and out of his body. Then a different Griff, a Griff with a woman wrapped around him, his lips on hers, his hands on her body the way he had them on mine.
“Corrie?” A soft voice penetrates the pain in my skull. My head shoots up and disbelief swamps my thoughts.
“Griff? What are you doing here?” My voice is raspy from my dry throat. Peeking over, I realize he actually stands in the doorway, not purely in my imagination. “Or maybe I should ask why are you here?”
“I live here, I’ve come home.” Griff seems as confused as I feel.
“Why? Why, Griff? I only asked one thing from you and you couldn’t do it. So, why have you come back?” I feel my hurt turning into anger but I tamp it down, I don’t want to shout.
“I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Why has your phone been switched off? I’ve been trying to call you since last night.”
“I couldn’t deal with it all; after the photographs came online, I didn’t want to deal anymore. You’d gone back on your word and I didn’t want to hear what you were going to tell me. My father dying is nothing, I don’t have a single thought for him, but the images of you with another person, and a woman at that, ripped my heart out.” I heave in a breath and stand to face him.
“Nothing went on. She was all over me from the moment I met her. It seems that she was part of the package Simmons was offering me and I’m not interested so, I came home.”
“Griff, the photos show her all over you. You can’t deny that?”
“I’m not denying it, but listen to what you said then, Corrie, you said that she was all over me. Do you see, in any of the pictures, my hands on her, me touching her? No? Because I didn’t. She was the one, Corr, not me.” Griff takes a step closer to me. “If you’d had your phone on last night, I would have been able to tell you what was going on, we could have talked about it. Hell, we could have laughed at the ridiculousness of it. Because I love you, Corrie; I love your body, I love your smile, I love the scent and taste of your skin. And I fucking love your dick pounding my ass. There is no way and no one who could change that for me.”
He smiles and takes another step closer, my body starting to hum as his calls mine, “If you had turned your phone on this afternoon, you would have heard me telling you I was coming home. Baby, you are my everything, I did not break your trust, I love you too much to ever do that.”
“Really.” He smiles again, “Now, do I get a welcome home kiss?”
“Hell yeah, you do!” I launch myself at him, feeling every muscle down his back as I run my hands down to his ass. “I’m a dick, aren’t I? Are you pissed with me?” I lean down to kiss him.
“Yeah, you are and, no, I’m not. I’m just thinking of ways to torture you.” Then his mouth is on me and, damn, he tastes good.
My tongue slides lazily over the seam of his lips, moaning as he opens to allow me into his mouth. As our tongues touch, I feel his body shiver and his hands reach to my hips, pulling me even closer. My eyes flutter shut as he sucks on my tongue. We give and take from each other, desperation increasing as we continue. Griff’s grip on my hips gets tighter and tighter as I squeeze his ass in my hands, his moans and groans are mirrors of my own. Dragging his mouth away from mine, I open my eyes and take in his dilated pupils as he refocuses on me.
“As much as I want you to fuck me here, right now, I have been sitting in airports and airplanes for too long. I want a shower, will you come with me?” Griff’s chest presses against me and I feel the pounding of his heart.
“Fuck yeah, let’s go, sweetheart.” I release his butt and catch hold of his hand, “I’m sorry, Griff, it’s all I could think about, I don’t trust myself to be enough for you.”
“Baby, what you’re packing in those pants of yours is more than enough to keep me here with you.” Griff jokes, but I know he means more than that. “But, it’s what’s in here that has me tied to you, baby.” He touches my chest, over my heart.
Making our way up the stairs, Griff has let go of my hand and has his resting on my butt, my body tuning up to his touch makes my nerve endings sing, craving more.
I lead us into our room and walk over to the chair set by the bathroom and start to strip off my clothes, Griff ambles past me into the bathroom to turn the shower on. I hear him pee and then the sound of him getting undressed. By the time I’m naked and ready to join him, he is under the stream.
Stepping inside, I see him scrubbing himself with a washcloth through the steam, the heady scent of his body wash fills the air and I hurry to him. He smiles as he watches me lean my crutches against the wall and he offers his hand as I move to the stool in the corner.
“I thought I’d get a head start washing off the grime, then I can show you just how much I’ve missed you.” He leans his head back under the water and the suds slide down his body, I reach out and trace a pattern in the bubbles. I follow the rivulets of water over his muscles, reveling in the tension I feel as I stroke the defined squares on his abs.
“I need you, Griff, I need you so damn bad.” I look up at him and see his eyes widen, maybe it’s the roughness in my voice, or is it the sadness he can hear; my poor attempt to apologize in ways other than simply saying that I’m sorry? “I’m a fool, Griff, I set myself up to think that we would fail, and believed the first picture of you I saw.”
“Corrigan, it’s my stupid fault. I should never have gone, I should have been here with you. Your father had just died and I left you, at a time when your judgement was being questioned by men who had no right to ask those things of you. It’s no wonder you thought I would do that, every man you’ve ever had in your life has either left you or let you down. I should’ve stayed, this is my fault.”
I let him kiss me then soap my body. Running his hands sensually over my body turns this into part of our foreplay. I know we are going to take our time, we are going to be making love long into the night. As the water rinses the soap off me, Griff steps out and dries off. I keep my eyes fixed on the floor as I follow him and dry myself, making sure I walk safely to the bedroom. Griff sits on the edge of the bed, his arms straight behind him, his hands planted flat on the mattress to maintain his angled torso upright.
Watching me walk to him, his eyes dilate and his tongue darts out to dampen his lip. I come to a stop between his parted legs and let the sticks fall to the sides as he straightens, his hands steadying me. Leaning down, I cup his cheeks and let my mouth cover his, allowing me to continue to express my feelings, the sweet tenderness swiftly morphing into so much more. Griff crashes back, taking me with him, holding me steady above him, our hard dicks trapped between us.
“Christ, you feel so good, Corr. I wanted to make this last, to take it slow, but I need you inside me. Please, Corr, take me.”
I break away from him and reach for the lube as Griff shuffles further up the bed, giving me more room. Squirting the liquid into my hand, I reach for Griff’s dick and coat it before moving down over his sac and taint until my fingers reach his hole. I feel the flutter of his opening as I tease him with a fingertip.