Page 49 of Devil's Thirst
“My parents tried to sell my virginity, and that’s why I ran away—everyone knows that. What I didn’t tell Lina or anyone else was that I saw the man. I recognized him.”
I don’t look at Sante, but I sense the preternatural stillness of his body. “The man who planned to rape you?”
I nod. “He’s still alive, and he knows that I know. He’s always kept tabs on me, and I think that’s who’s been following me.”
The silence between us is deafening.
“His name.” No two words have ever been spoken with such restrained violence.
In my head, I see a giant boulder rolling down a hill, and I know I’ll never be able to stop it from gaining momentum. It’s going to decimate everything in its path. The only thing I can do now is keep its trajectory pointed where it will do the least damage possible.
Biting my lip, I slowly shake my head. “I can’t.”
Sante closes the distance between us and cups my face. “I get it. You’re scared, but I can make it all go away. This can be fixed, Mellie. I just need you to give me his name.”
“It’s not that simple.” Tears well in my eyes. “I can’t give you his name, and I need you to promise me that you won’t go looking for it.”
“What thefuck?” he roars, turning his back to me before whirling back around. “You’re telling me this guy could be out there hurting other girls, and you’re going to protect him?”
My body caves in on itself like a rotting apple. Tears pour down my cheeks, but I don’t say a word.
“What’s he holding over you?”
I shake my head. “It’s not just him. The people involved in The Society are powerful, dangerous people.”
In a flash, Sante is back in my face, wrath incarnate. “In case you couldn’t tell, so am I. No one threatens what’s mine.No one.”
He slams my bedroom door behind him, leaving me to succumb to a battery of fear and shame.
I couldn’t sleeplast night. Couldn’t eat. And it had little to do with The Society.
I hate that I’ve made Sante feel like I don’t trust him. As much as his deception hurt me, I realized in the night that it doesn’t change the way I feel about him. When I’m around Sante, I feel seen. I feel wanted and important—things I’ve rarely felt in my life.
My growing desire for him clouds my ability to know what’s right. Do I open up to him and trust that no one will get hurt? Because I’m not the only one who would be affected by the potential fallout if he angers the man who haunts me. If I were the only one at risk, I’d have told someone the man’s name years ago. How do I decide between my family and my heart?
It’s impossible.
I’m terrified that continuing down this path will shred me to pieces. No matter what choices I make, someone gets hurt.
After hours and hours of dwelling on my predicament, I get a text from Andrey with his address. I’ve already made Sante so upset that I hate to make things worse, but I also desperately need a distraction. And besides, I know without a doubt that I’m safe with Andrey. I need this. I need the chance to set asidereality and hopefully keep from mangling one aspect of my life. God knows I’ve done a number on everything else.
Ten years my senior and a highly renowned dancer, Andrey has done well for himself financially. He lives on the twenty-sixth floor of a building bordering Central Park. The views have got to be spectacular. I love my view of the river, but something is magical about the oasis of Central Park.
I don’t have to be escorted up since Andrey has given me a code for the elevator. When I knock on his door, excitement to dance gives me a boost of energy. Dancing never fails to make everything better. Therefore, the smile on my face is genuine when the door opens. Only it’s not Andrey on the other side.
“Sante?” I blurt, my forehead crinkling with confusion. He’s dressed casually and looks relaxed, but when I remember what he said he’d do if Andrey touched me, all the blood drains from my head down to my toes. The world spins.
“Jesus, Amelie.” He rushes forward to steady me. “Relax, I’m just here as an escort,” he says in a hushed tone. “I knew you’d come despite my objections and figured this way, no one has to get hurt.”
I nod and take a few deep, even breaths, trying to regain my bearings. “Where’s Andrey?”
“Here we are.” The man in question rounds the corner with a toddler in his arms. “Had to change a diaper. Sorry I wasn’t here to greet you.”
“Oh! No problem at all,” I gush with a smile. I’m acting overly friendly out of awkwardness. It only makes things more uncomfortable, but I don’t know how else to act. I have no clue what Sante has told Andrey to explain his presence. “Thanks for making time to work on this.”