Page 53 of Devil's Thirst
When I look back at Noemi, her eyes are full of tears.
“What?” Why the hell is she crying? Did I do something wrong?
“I’m just so glad my family is back together again.”
Suddenly feeling on display, my eyes cut to Amelie. Yup, she’s eating up every second of this. Great. I don’t know how to respond to Noemi’s emotional display. I don’t understand it. Conner and the kids are her family. I’m just her kid brother, right?
When I look at the sincerity in her face, I wonder if she sees things differently.
“What are their names again?” I decide to stick to safer waters and focus on the kids.
“Roman and Ryder,” Noemi says, overflowing with motherly pride.
Amelie sidles closer and smiles at the baby in my arms. “How do you tell them apart?”
“I have anklets on them. Maybe it doesn’t matter if I end up mixing them up—no one would ever know, and I’m sure it wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened—but I feel better knowing definitively which is which. I’ve been assured that one of these days, I’ll be able to tell on my own. Until then, they get to wear jewelry.”
“You know they’re going to give you hell one day,” I tease.
Noemi’s smile wavers. “It makes me tired just thinking about it, especially when River is already such a handful. I don’t knowhow it happened, but I swear she’s Shae’s clone. I thought firstborn girls were supposed to be sweet, mild-mannered parent pleasers. Not her. She’s hell on wheels. That girl isn’t afraid of anything.”
I can’t help but laugh. “Good for her.”
My sister glares playfully. “Watch out, buddy. Karma’s a bitch.”
Conner rejoins us with a grinning toddler in his arms and an older couple in tow.
Noemi steps forward to welcome them. “Mia, Edoardo, we’re so glad you could make it.” She gives them each a side hug before the woman scoops Noemi’s twin from her arms while gushing praise.
I recall that Conner was adopted into his Irish family. Mia Genovese is his birth mother. The Genoveses run the Lucciano family, the same as the Donatis run the Moretti organization. These are no ordinary grandparents.
I stand a little taller.
“Sante, you may remember Mia and Edoardo Genovese,” Conner says by way of introduction, releasing a squirming River back to the ground. “Noemi’s brother was in Italy for a few years and has recently come home, hopefully to stay.”
I shake Edoardo’s hand and nod at Mia, who has her hands full. “It’s good to see you both.” I place my free arm around Amelie’s back. “I’m not sure if you’ve already met, but this is Amelie, my future wife.” Girlfriend sounded too trite in my head—too transient. I want everyone to know this woman is mine, and anyone who fucks with her will answer to me. The sooner word gets around, the better.
The older couple gush with congratulations while Conner and Noemi stare at me through wide, incredulous eyes. I give Amelie a small squeeze to help draw her out of her shocked state.She recovers quickly, thanking everyone for their kind words and doing her best to avoid Noemi’s stare.
Before any more can be said, two things happen at once. Oran, Lina, and Violet sweep into the back of the church, stirring up a commotion, which little River uses as a distraction to climb on top of the huge wooden altar. Like highly trained commandos moving into action, Noemi instinctively grabs the infant in my arms while Conner races away to snag his daughter.
The organ music intensifies, signaling the start of the service. Lina and her family beeline for us, giving me a better understanding of the uproar. Her dress is soaked with dirty water up to her waist.
“What on earth happened?” Amelie hisses to her sister.
I’m listening, but my gaze is trained on Oran, whose glare is nothing short of murderous.
“It was so crazy,” Lina says as we take our seats. “I was nearly hit by a car walking over here. I thought about going home to change, but I hate to miss the baptism. Just incredible. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear the damn thing swerved to hit me. I happened to notice Oran stopped to fix Violet’s shoe, so I stepped back onto the curb. If I hadn’t …” A tremble wracks her from head to toe. “Well, I hate to think what would have happened.”
Before my eyes, Amelie turns a sickly shade of white.
The hour-long baptismservice could have included a human sacrifice, and I wouldn’t have noticed. The only thing I was vaguely aware of beyond my frenzied thoughts were the periodic glances from Sante beside me. Even as we walk back to his car, I can sense him wanting to know what I’m thinking.
I hope he blames my near catatonic state on his outlandish proclamation that I’m his future wife. How absurd is my life that such a bold, presumptive move on his part isn’t the most perplexing thing to happen to me today? I wish that was the only thing on my mind.