Page 75 of Devil's Thirst
His lips press a kiss to my forehead. “Always. Now, let’s get this shit done. I got a text from my cousin Tommy that he’s waiting for me at my place—well, Mr. Sorrell’s place. He needs a hand, and it’s a good chance to introduce you.”
“Are you two close?”
“He’s my best friend. He even went to Sicily with me so I didn’t have to go alone.” He pauses before continuing. “Keep in mind, he can be a little quirky. That’s just Tommy—it’s nothing personal.”
I’m intrigued and excited that he wants to introduce me to more of his family, especially someone he considers his best friend. I’m surprised this is the first I’ve heard of Tommy, but we’ve been pretty absorbed in other matters. It’s nice to do something normal like meeting his friends. Getting to know them helps me know more about him.
Inspired not to dally, we check off the last items from our shopping list and head back to the apartment. We stop at my place first to unload as much of the new dog gear as our arms can carry. I show Freya around her new home.
“She’s had a big day. I say we put out some food and water and let her settle in while we head next door.”
I’m reluctant to leave her, but he’s right. She could use some downtime, and I’m ready to meet Tommy. We get her things laid out. I kneel to give her kisses and explain that I’ll be right back so she shouldn’t worry, promising to brush her when we return.
We pop next door, which feels incredibly odd now that I know it’s not technically Sante’s apartment. He has use of the place for another month. I suppose he’s planning to take full advantage.
“Tom, I’d like to introduce you to Amelie. Amelie, this is my cousin Tommy. He’s Renzo’s baby brother.”
I shake Tommy’s hand, noting his glower at Sante over the baby brother comment. “It’s so great to meet you.”
“You, too.” He nods, almost mechanically, then turns to Sante as if dismissing me. “I found a place that works. I thought I’d pay cash, but the bank in Sicily is giving me shit. You already transferred some money here, right?”
“Yeah, but I doubt it’s enough. I don’t keep that kind of money liquid.”
“I only need an escrow deposit while I get this bank crap figured out.”
The two guys stand by the kitchen island while I migrate toward the living room and lean on the back of the sofa. I see what Sante meant by Tommy being quirky. He comes off as aloof, but I know Sante wouldn’t be best friends with someone genuinely full of himself.
In a way, I’m glad they’re ignoring me. It gives me a chance to observe their interaction. Their comfort level with one another is unquestionable. They act like brothers. And they bear a passing resemblance. From behind, I might even confuse their similar builds, but their overall looks are very distinct. Most obviously, Tommy’s vibrant blue eyes and Sante’s tattoos stand out in stark contrast when compared to the other.
They continue with their conversation until Tommy takes a phone call. That’s when my entire world screeches to a halt.
He launches into a conversation in what I assume is Italian since he’s apparently lived there with Sante for the past fouryears. I look at the two men, so similar in size, and images flash through my head.
The man in the hoodie smoking in the theater.
That man terrifying me in the dressing room, speaking another language.
Sante coming back from Italy for me.
Sante smoking outside our building, somehow intuiting I had a stalker.
He knew where I lived before he moved in next door and had been keeping tabs on me.
He orchestrated everything about our reunion.
The stalker was the only reason I reached out to Sante.
A stalker who never laid a hand on me except to protect me.
It can’t be.
He wouldn’t have…
I creep slowly forward, eyes glued to Tommy. I feel Sante, still as a statue, stare boring into me, but I ignore him. I have one thing on my mind.
When I reach Tommy, I press my nose close to his chest and inhale. I do it again a bit farther up. He holds his hands away as if expecting me to bite at any moment.
“No smoke,” I say in a heartbroken hush.