Page 18 of The Throwback
Blaze is making me wear the same dress I wore for my birthday last year. He thinks it’s funny that it used to have a giant cum stain on it and we had to dry clean it within an inch of its life.
That’s so gross. I made myself a scoop-neck jumpsuit. Tanner is mad because there’s literally no access to any of the goods. I’m trying to make him wait until the wedding night for some ass. He’s been insufferable.
That man will have you gagged and bound by midnight. Mark my words.
I pullmy hand from Jett’s, shooting them a quick reply as butterflies flutter around in my stomach. I can’t believe they’ve welcomed me into their crew the way they have after only four days.
Hey, girls! I’m wearing a black cocktail dress. It’s super plain, but it was the best I could do with such short notice.
I’m sure you look like a proper WAG. Especially with JK on your arm. I drool every time. I don’t even care.
I laugh as another text comes in.
Ok but why am I alone in this hallway with Tanner? Hurry up and save me before he starts humping me like a horny dog.
I drop my phone into my clutch, taking Jett’s hand again as he guides me to the door and pulls it open. I watch as the other couples funnel into the hall, joining Tanner and Grace who wait outside the elevator.
“About time,” he mumbles, and I inwardly giggle at how clearly worked up he is. I have a feeling Grace’s plan to hold out won’t last through the night. Not with the way the veins in his neck are popping out from beneath the collar of his shirt.
“Oh my God. You look amazing, Bailey!” Bella says as she and Mav sidle up to us. “I wish I could pull off a look like that with no preparation. It took me a week to decide on this.” Maverick drops his mouth to her ear and whispers something that makes her giggle as her cheeks turn pink. They’re freaking adorable with their size difference. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wonder how they made everything…fit.
“You do look gorgeous, baby,” Jett says, kissing my hand as he reaches forward and presses the button to go down. My heart squeezes at how openly affectionate he is in front of his teammates. The first time he pulled me close in front of Dalton and Dia, it felt weird. But now that I’ve seen the way they’ve welcomed me and how proud he is to have me by his side, it just feelsright.Like I was meant to cross paths with them all.
The elevator doors slide open and I’m thankful that it’s empty because it’s a tight fit as we all squeeze in together. Jett pulls me to him, wrapping me in his arms as we descend. I take the quiet moment to snuggle into his chest, listening to the way his heart beats while the rest of the group talks casually amongst themselves. It’slike we’re in our own little world as he drops his lips to the top of my head in a sweet kiss.
Our peaceful bubble is popped entirely too soon as the elevator comes to a stop and opens to reveal that we’ve arrived at the lobby. We head toward the door, where an entire brigade of blacked-out SUVs awaits.
The ride to the venue isn’t long, and we arrive with enough time to get inside before the events of the evening begin. The building is guarded by heavy security, and everyone is required to show their ID before they’re allowed inside, players and coaches included. When I hand mine to the man guarding the door, I half expect him to tell me I’m not on the list and can’t go in. Instead, he just checks it and gives me a once-over before telling me to have a good night.
Jett ushers me into the ballroom with a hand on my lower back, and my eyes go wide as I take it all in. Everything is decorated in Blizzard colors with lavish centerpieces on each table. A small place card sits on every plate, and people dressed to the nines walk around searching for theirs.
“We’re at table four,” he whispers, pointing toward the corner of the room. “I asked to be seated with the rest of the group so you’d be surrounded by people you know. There’s nothing worse than making small talk with strangers while you’re trying to eat.” He winks and the corners of my mouth turn up in a grateful smile. He’s right. I’d love to meet more of his teammates and their families, but this is a lot. I’m sure I’ll get to interact with some of them on Sunday since I’ll be in the WAG’s suite with Dia.
We take our seats and fall into easy conversations with the people I’m now claiming as my new friends. I’m so thankful that fate brought me to Jett, and in turn, to them. Even though we haven’t had much time to get to know each other, I can confidently say that these relationships will last a lot longer than just the week.
I slide into bed,swiping my phone from the nightstand and pressing the button to FaceTime Bailey. Propping my back against the headboard, I wait as it rings. As soon as she answers, I feel like I’ve been hit by a linebacker twice my size. She’s fresh out of the shower, wearing nothing but my t-shirt as she moves through the room. The way she’s looking so delicious right now has me ready to risk my career just to get down to her.
It’s Friday night, the first of two that I’ll be away from her before the game. Technically, I won’t see her in person until Sunday night because we have to be at the stadium so early to prepare. I hate that we have to spend these precious hours apart, but I understand why the team requires it. Plus, we knew it was coming. But it still sucks that I can’t hold her tonight.