Page 4 of The Throwback
“Yeah,” Jett replies. “I definitely wasn’t expecting that, but at least it’s done and we won’t have to be back until tomorrow morning.”
I turn, giving him a confused look becausewhat the fuck is he talking about?He gives me a dimpled smile but doesn’t say anything in explanation. They talk for several minutes as my brain gathers clues and tries to fill in the blanks on its own. Jett is definitely part of the Boston Blizzard based on the way they’re talking, which is crazy because I know for a fact he wasn’t into football when we were kids. The only sport he played was soccer. It was the reason his family had to leave the beach before ours every August, so he didn’t miss the first practice.
“Let me go see what’s taking her so long,” Dalton says, standing and heading toward the bathroom door. He knocks once before cracking it open and slipping inside, leaving me to get some answers as quickly and quietly as possible. I don’t even have to ask before he starts talking.
“I know this is crazy,” he whispers, “but I play tight end for the Blizzard. I’m staying here with the team, right down the hall, and Dalton is my friend.” His eyes meet mine and he swallows thickly. “You know what this is, right Bay?” His use of my nickname pulls a million memories to the surface all at once, and even though I know I can’t, I want to break down and jump into his arms. Hold onto him and never let go. Because yes, I do know what this is.Somethingbrought us here together tonight. There’s no other explanation for such a random occurrence. “It’s fate. It was time.”
Tears fill my eyes becausefuck. I missed him. I missed his smile and the way he laughed at how clumsy I was. The way he always tested the branches we climbed or the rocks we stepped on to make sure they were safe before letting me try. The way he held my hand when it got dark, and made sure I got to my porch before he went home every night.
I missed my best friend.
“I know you have a lot of questions,” he says, reaching out and running his fingertips along my jaw. I lean into him, enjoying the familiar comfort his touch provides. He may be all grown up, but this is the same boy who made me laugh through the pain when I stepped on a piece of glass sticking out of the sand, carrying me all the way home so my dad could remove it and bandage it up. The same boy who held me while I cried after our old dog passed away at my grandma’s. We knew he wasn’t healthy enough to make the trip to the beach house, but we weren’t expecting him to die in his sleep just weeks later,before we even had the chance to say goodbye. It seems like a lifetime ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday; the way Jett did everything he could to make me feel better.
“I’m going to leave so you can have your meeting without being distracted. I’m in room 2243. Will you please come by when you’re done? There’s so much I want to tell you.”
I nod. “Yeah. Okay,” I say, doing my best to push the raging emotions I’m experiencing away for now so I can get through this meeting with Dia. I’m excited to work with her, and I’m hopeful for all the opportunities that could come after this week, but all I can think about right now is getting it over with so Jett can tell me what his life has been like for the last thirteen years. And then I can do the same.
“I’ll be waiting for you,” he whispers, stepping in and wrapping me in a hug. I still can’t believe how familiar and comfortable he feels after all this time, despite all the ways he’s changed. He’s got to be almost a foot taller than me, with a broad, muscular chest and strong arms. Every part of him is firm, yet I fit against him perfectly. As confusing as this should be after so many years, he feels like home.
He pulls away, smiling down at me as his eyes roam over my features. “Fuck, how did you get prettier?”
I laugh quietly. “Makeup.”
He shakes his head. “Absolutely not, Bay. I already know you’re stunning without it.” He leans down so that our faces are just inches apart, and even though the proximity should feel awkward, it doesn’t. I want to becloser. “You have no fucking idea how much I missed you.”
I swallow, fighting my instinct to close the rest of the space between us as we hear the bathroom door open. I back away quickly, turning to see a dark-haired woman emerge with Dalton trailing closely behind. Dia Davis is quite possibly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, with flawless skin and big brown eyes. I’m going to have a blast working on a canvas that’s already so perfect.
“Okayyyyyyy, this is interesting,” she says with a grin as she takes in how close Jett and I are still standing together. I’m sure she witnessed our little moment as she opened the door, and I hope she doesn’t think it was unprofessional. I want to make a good impression on her. I’d love the opportunity to work with her or her friends in the future, so there’s a lot riding on the services I provide this week. I’d hate for her to think I’m flaky for almost kissing her husband’s teammate in her hotel room.
Jett clears his throat, and I turn meeting his eyes. “2243. I don’t care what time it is. Please come.”
I nod as he leans in, pressing his lips to my cheek quickly. My stomach tightens, and I internally kick my feet with excitement but manage to keep my outward reaction under control. All of this is so crazy, but I’ll have to work through the emotions later because, for now, there’s work to do.
Jett and Dalton exchange a handshake before he turns and leaves the room, the faintsnickof the doorfilling the air as Dia looks up at me with questions written all over her expression.
“Okay, I’m Dia, you’re Bailey, and we’redefinitelytalking about”—she waves her hand vaguely between me and the door—“whatever that was. That shit washot.I almost came just watching it.”
My eyes go wide as her husband pipes up from behind us. “Jesus, Wifey,” he groans. “I’m going to Blaze’s room while you two do your thing. Mads is working, so he’s all by his lonesome. You can give me the tea later,” he says, leaning in and attempting to whisper, but I hear his next words, “After Iactuallymake you come.” I try not to react as she rolls her eyes, then presses up onto her toes and gives him a kiss on the cheek. He slaps her ass playfully and makes his way to the door, disappearing into the hall. She waits approximately three seconds before she runs her tongue over her top teeth and raises her brows in my direction, as though we’ve been friends our whole lives and she needs to be filled in on what just went down while she was in the bathroom.
I clear my throat. “I don’t know,” I whisper, a huge grin spreading across my face as I stare in disbelief. “I haven’t seen him in thirteen years, and I just ran into him in the elevator. He was my best friend when we were kids.”
She sits down at the foot of the bed before lying back and throwing a dramatic arm over her face. “Oh my God, that isso cute.This is just the entertainment I needed this week. Bless you.” She springs back up, smiling at me. “You have to go to his room! Now!”
I shake my head rapidly. “No. I’m here for you. You hired me to be at your skincare beck and call, and that’s what I’m going to do. Whatever Jett wants to talk about can wait.”
“Okay, fiiiiinnnne,” she says, drawing out the word in fake exasperation. “Let’s fucking exfoliate so you can get out of here. This is honestly probably the only night I’ll get with Dalton before the craziness ensues, so I don’t plan on leaving the room. My best friend and I are going shopping early tomorrow before the fan expo in the afternoon, so if you could be here at eleven to do my makeup for that, that’ll be perfect. I already emailed you a list of our events for the week, along with the times I want to be ready by. So, whatever you need me to do to prepare, just let me know. The only day I think we’ll need extra time is Sunday because I’m going full glam for the game. The quarterback’s fiancée made me the most amazing dress, and I need to look absolutely fabulous. I have a ticket for you to the WAG’s suite, so you can touch me up if I need it.”
I nod in agreement. “Sounds great. I’ll make sure I’m here on time.” Grabbing my suitcase, I lift it onto the bed, unzip it and pull out the supplies and equipment for a quick facial. Normally, I’d have brought in a folding table, but I wasn’t sure of the plan, so it’s still out in my car. We can get away with not using it tonight since the bed is so high.
“Lie here,” I say, patting the edge of the mattress. She does, and I make sure she’s comfortable before getting to work. I skip the cleanser since she just showered and is still barefaced. Reaching into my bag, I takeout the handheld steamer and switch it on, letting it heat up and holding it at a safe distance from her skin as it begins to emit a gentle mist. I allow it to open her pores for several minutes before applying a mask that’ll leave her feeling fresh and smooth.
“So,” she says as I set a five-minute timer on my phone, “do you think it’ll be awkward when you get to Jett’s room? You said it’s been thirteen years, but you both looked really comfortable together.”
I huff a quiet laugh. “I have no idea. It’s weird because I didn’t even recognize him at first, but as soon as I hugged him, it felt like no time had gone by. We only really spent a total of twelve full months together at our family’s beach houses, but when I tell you we were with each other every minute, I’m not kidding. We were practically joined at the hip.”
“How’d you lose touch?” she asks.
“I don’t really know. He told me he’d see me next year, but he never came. We arrived the following May, and there was aFor Salesign in their front lawn. I waited every day and begged my parents to find out what was going on, but they never really took the time to get to know our neighbors. My mom and dad kept to themselves a lot on vacation because they worked remotely. They were both so engrossed in their jobs. I think the beach house was more of a status symbol to them than anything else.” I shrug. “That’s probably why they let me explore on my own so much. As long as I checked in and didn’t cross the street or go swimming without an adult, they let me do my thing. It kept me out of their hair so they could focus.