Page 12 of Unseen Lord
I nod. "You think these goons are a distraction?" I ask. It makes sense.
He raises an eyebrow. "Indeed. And that is worrisome, given the stakes."
"Which are what, exactly? You never did explain that part."
"In due time, dear Watcher. For now, we must protect the village."
I hold up my wrists. "That would be easier if you unshackled me."
"I can't risk you harming my people," he says.
"Why does everyone assume I'm some killing machine? I don't get it. Seriously. I have a code. Name one person I've actually killed," I challenge him.
He purses his lips, but says nothing.
"Exactly. I'm the good gal."
"Good gal?"
"Yeah, good guy is too sexist. I'm not a guy and that shouldn't be a blanket word to cover everyone. We should starting calling everyone 'good gal' instead. Well, only the good ones of course."
The screaming intensifies as the battle pushes inland, and Arias frowns and holds up his hands, palms facing the water that comes alive before us, forming a body that slithers beneath the surface. A turquoise sea creature emerges, body covered in iridescent scales that glint in the sun. The thing is huge and I'm pretty sure I'm only seeing part of it. Like the proverbial iceberg, there's a heck of a lot more going on beneath the water, I'm sure.
My heart pounds in my chest and I prepare to fight the beast if it comes too close to us, but it doesn't make for the shore. Instead, it targets the boats heading for the island.
And it all finally clicks. I can't believe I didn't put the pieces together before. "You'rethe new Water Druid! Duh. Of course. The ice. The powers of the White Rider. You manipulated your control over water to give the illusion of being the creature from legends."
He bows, as if receiving an award. "At your service. Though 'new' might be a bit of a stretch, given the power descended upon me as an infant nearly 100 years ago. Be that as it may, you are correct."
As we speak, the boats carrying more invaders to the shore are smashed into bits by the sea serpent's tail, wreaking havoc on them all before setting its sights on the bigger ship in the distance.
But before the creature makes it there, a figure appears on a rock formation pushing up from the water. He's dressed in black armor with a gold mask, and when the Rider sees him, he freezes. "It's the Tempest," he says. "And he's far too closer to the power source."
Arias runs towards the outcropping of rocks, and I follow at his heels. "What power source?" I ask.
But before I can catch up to him, a scream from behind me pulls my attention. A little girl is being pulled from bushes by one of the black-clad invaders. She's panicking, trying to fight him off, but she's no match for him. And he doesn't kill her immediately, which doesn't bode well for the pretty child.
I glance at Arias, who is using his powers to ride the waves towards the Tempest. I want to face the Tempest, to find out the truth of Lix Tetrax, but I can't leave this girl to suffer.
So I abandon my path towards the Rider and change direction, heading for the child who's being dragged towards the village.
As I run, I consider how best to fight with 1: No weapon, 2: No armor or actual clothing and 3: No Renewal.
I know you're worried right now, and you have every right to be. Even I am usually not in this much hot water. (Get it? Hot water? Like that time I was cooked alive in hot water?) Yeah, okay, at any rate, remember.Dum Spiro Spero. While I breathe, I hope.
And… I have a plan. Kind of. It's a terrible plan, as plans go. And could end spectacularly badly for me. But I have to risk it, ya know? What other options do I have.
By the time I catch up with the asshole terrorizing a child, he's got some of his buddies involved in the mix, and they are heading for a hut on the edge of the village. It's surrounded by a garden and there are children's toys strewn in front. I'm guessing this is where the girl—who looks to be about seven years old—lives. Probably with her family. Who will now be facing some serious peril if I don't hurry the hell up.
My plan was really more fitting if I was only facing one attacker, but I can improvise. Sure I can. Heck, improvise is my middle name. (Okay, it's really not, but I never ever tell anyone my middle name. Ever. Even Callie doesn't know it. I'm convinced Uncle Sly, who named, by the way, hated children at the time.)
I get to the hut a few minutes after the invaders have dragged the girl in, and by the screams I can tell they have found more victims. I don't have time for finesse, or to get a better view of what I'm dealing with, so instead, I take the direct approach.
Through the front door.
"Stop! I am a Watcher of the Hunter's Council and I command you to cease what you are doing and surrender immediately."
The scene before me would be comical if there wasn't a terrified family involved. Three invaders all freeze in the middle of tying up the little girl, her mother, and her father. My bet is the father would be killed off fast while they had their way with the females. Or the father would be forced to watch. Depends on how evil these guys are.