Page 44 of Unseen Lord
As the queen speaks, I notice an odd flick of light playing on her features. A shift in her eye color or the shape of her nose. I study her more carefully as Arias answers, using my growing abilities to see her more clearly.
"Great One, if I have neglected our allies in the sea, I apologize. You have only to ask and we are at your service. But this threat poses a risk to all kinds, and without this sword, our worlds may both be swallowed up by the storms to come."
By the time Arias is done, I see the truth. I see past the illusion the queen is using.
I summon my power and my supernatural speed and strength, and push off, pulling out my hidden blade as I do. With reflexes that surprise even me, I am at the queen's side with a knife to her throat.
Arias looks ready to throttle me. Elias looks amused.
The guards look nervous.
"Reveal yourself, Marasphyr."
Why Marasphyr, the mermaid who spends considerable time at the Black Lotus, is here posing as queen, I have no clue. But I will find out.
The queen smiles and drops her illusion. Arias gasps. Elias looks smug on my behalf. Proud, even. He's adorable.
"Bravo," she says, clapping. "You are the first to figure it out."
I look at the guards, my blade still at her neck. "What are you waiting for? Arrest her!"
Marasphyr looks sternly at them. "Leave us." They do so without pause.
What the—?.
Then Marasphyr turns into shadow and reappears behind Iris. "The guards know I am filling in as a replacement," she says, her lips close to my ear, my blade now pointed at nothing.
I spin to face her. "Why? What happened to the real queen?"
Marasphyr shrugs. "She died. I am filling in until her heir comes of age."
"Princess Lindora?" I ask.
"The same."
I frown. "She looks old enough to me."
Marasphyr smiles. "Our people have different rules. One must be very old and wise to sit on the throne. It must be earned with wisdom and maturity. I've never understood humans with their worship of blood above reason. To sit a child on the throne, it's ridiculous. Even vampires rush to it, when they particularly don't need to. The mer-people have the way of it."
Marasphyr swims to the side, bringing the brothers into our discussion. "Now that we are alone and have that business out of the way, we can speak frankly." She moves her hand and the side of the throne room changes. The water beyond the glass becomes clear, revealing the Moonlight Sword hanging in light.
"I will give you the sword, but first, I need something in return."
"Like what?" I ask, knowing there's always a catch with her.
"A promise."
Yeah, it's as bad as I thought. Worse, actually. Nothing spelled out. No details. This never ends well.
"A promise that when I have need of you, you shall come to my aid," she says.
Arias answers without hesitation. "Very well."
"No," says Marasphyr, pointing to me. "I want her and her alone to swear. The promise will be bound to her."
Shit. Double shit. But crap, what choice to I have? The apocalypse has sent a calling card and is on its way. Unless I get this sword, we're screwed. "I promise," I say, reluctantly. And with those fated words I feel the magical tether binding us together as a new mark appears on my hand, creating a fresh line where my old mark still lives. I am now bound to two. Super lovely.
Marasphyr beckons for me follow her and for Arias and Elias to remain. They don't look happy, but again, what the hell else can we do. She waves her hand, parting the water before the sword and we walk through the tunnel of waves. They close in on themselves as we pass, blocking the men from view. Now I'm completely alone with Marasphyr.