Page 27 of Fallen Star
She laughs. "That might be sort of true, but not technically. Technically, I'm your great great great aunt or something. To be honest, I'm not sure how many greats there are since I was living in a tree for most of that time."
This conversation is so confusing. "Wouldn't that make you related to your fiancé?" I ask.
"That's a whole other story," Iris says. "Short version, no. Elias's father was turned, not born, into the Vane family. I'm technically Dean's dad's sister. I'll have to draw a family tree someday to show you. It's complicated."
"No shit," I say, my head spinning. "I'm really going to need more information about, like, everything, when all this is said and done." I shake my head, bemused by it all. "So if we can't travel by mirror, how do we get there?"
Sly leads us to the fountain and pulls out what looks like a few coins with ancient glyphs on them. "One to get there, one to get back. Don't lose it." He hands them to me.
"Um, why am I getting these?" I ask.
"You said there was a fountain as part of the ruins. You saw it, which means you are the only one who can hold the location in your mind and take everyone else there."
I stick one of the coins into my pocket and hold the other in my hand. "So, I just imagine it and… what? Jump in?"
Sly nods.
"Alrighty. Let's do this." Dean, Iris and I step up to the edge of the fountain, and I fold my fingers over the coin and picture my vision in my mind with as much detail as I can. Something tells me getting lost in a fountain portal wouldn't be the best way to end my day.
With a little nerves and a lot of faith I jump into the water. Dean follows, with Iris right behind him, but as the water opens into a vortex of light to suck us in, an explosion shakes the foundation of the fountain, and Iris falls back with a cry as a burst of magic pierces her chest, cutting a hole straight through where her heart should be. I scream and try to claw my way back to the surface, but we are too far gone. The portal doesn't give us up, and as we slide into another world, I see the half maimed face of Levi leering at me.
Alex Stone
The moment we arise from the fountain into the world of Nirandel, Dean grabs me and pushes me behind him as he pulls out his sword. As disoriented as I am, I follow suit and grab both of my axes, ready to face whatever I must, though I know in my gut our weapons are futile against Levi with the power of three Star shards.
Dean's brother stands opposite us, his skin glowing with magic, my mother by his side, eyes wide, fear on her face.
I push down the grief at seeing Iris killed. There's no way she could have survived that. But I can't mourn her right now. I have to stop this asshole first.
Levi is practically floating with the power of the Star shards. I can feel the magic pulsing, crawling over my skin and through my veins. Waves of nausea roll through my stomach as bile forms in my throat. This corruption of the Star's power is making me physically ill.
"I knew I could count on you to lead us to the Star, Dr. Stone," Levi says with a sneer. "Your help will no longer be needed."
With the dark power building in him, he reaches his arm out, extending it towards me. Dean tries to block the now black, smoke-like magic tearing across the fountain, and it hits him in the shoulder, slicing through skin and bone as it makes its way to me. My mother screams. "Don't! Don't hurt her. We might still need her to navigate the tomb. The Star won't be in an obvious place," she says.
Dean falls to his knees, his face pained, but he doesn't scream, even as blood pours from his wound. The smoke pauses just before it reaches me, and I can feel it seeking me out, curious.
Levi considers my mother's words and lowers his arm. "Why do we need her?" he asks. "You're an archeologist. You can find the Star for me."
She steels herself against his gaze. "Do you think I will help you if you kill my daughter?"
"Let him," I say. "Let him kill me. I will never help him."
I spit in Levi's direction, my axes at the ready, though completely useless.
He just laughs. "Like mother, like daughter." He points his hands towards Dean again, and the dark smoke coils around him. Dean screams, choking on the toxic magic, his body contorting in pain.
"Stop it!" I scream, thinking quickly. I can't give him the shard, not even to save Dean's life, but there has to be another way. "I'll help you. Just don't hurt him."
Levi drops Dean's body, and I rush over to him, helping him up. He's shaking, but he's strong. He leans into me, whispering in my ear. "I hope you have a plan."
"I'm working on it."
He looks worried, but what other choice do I have? I need to buy us some time.
Gripping his hand, I pull him forward as he rips off his shirt to use it as a bandage against his arm. Even through the pain he winks at me.
"See? Wearing a shirt can come in handy," I tell him.