Page 36 of Fallen Star
Dean whistles through his teeth and Sly studies the mark on my arm. "You've been dragon-touched," he says in awe.
I nod.
"Then this is only the beginning," he says, nodding to my drawing.
Dean takes the parchment, studying it. "I know where this is." He stands, then sits back down to face me. "Are you okay if I leave?"
I roll my eyes. "I didn't turn into a helpless female just because I lost my powers. Go. Save the king. Be a hero. I'll be here eating and drinking and catching up with Iris. She owes me some stories."
He kisses me, and need grows in us both, but that will have to wait too. Then he rolls the parchment, sticks it in his pocket and walks to Sly's mirror. With a final glance to me and a flirtatious wink, he leaves through the mirror.
I sigh once he's gone, leaning back against the couch. Sly pours something amber from a crystal decanter and hands me the glass. "This will take the edge off," he says, pouring himself one.
"Now, tell me all about you and the delicious Prince of Lust."
Alex Stone
Iduck out of that conversation as quickly as possible, citing my desperate need for a bath—since I still stink of that awful water—and actual clothing. Sly guides me to a private room and ushers me in. "Stay here as long as you like. Consider the Black Lotus home whenever you're in need of one."
Remembering that my Malibu mansion is actually in pieces, I thank him. But before he leaves, I call out. "Sly… you set up that tomb, didn't you?"
He gives a bow of his head. "That was a very long time ago. And a favor to a powerful king who needed to appease his people's fears." He smiles, the years showing in his eyes. "You're a remarkable person for figuring it out."
I lower my eyes to hide the grief that wells up. "It was my gift. Nothing more."
"Malarkey," he says. "I spelled that tomb myself with magic even older than yours. It was you, dear girl. Never doubt it."
As he leaves, I consider his words and realize that though the Star shard was calling to me, I didn't actually use my powers to decipher the riddle or figure out the traps. A swell of hope grows in me. Maybe my career as an archeologist isn't over just because my gifts have changed.
With renewed spirit, I bathe and change clothes, then go in search of Iris. I find her at her house, playing a new video game on her PlayStation.
"Ready for that drink?" I ask.
She grins and turns off her game. "Sure thing. Where did your man go?"
I explain about finding Fen and she shrieks. "That's amazeballs. Elias is going to be so happy. But he can wait. Tonight, it's you and me time."
She pulls out a dusty bottle of something green and scary looking and waggles an eyebrow. "Ready for a night you'll never remember, but will change your life forever?"
"Um… maybe?"
She laughs and pours us both drinks.
The liquor burns going down, then fills me with warmth. I pet Theo, who purrs under the attention, as Iris and I share all our secrets, all our adventures, all the things we've been keeping from each other for so many years, thinking we were the ones with the biggest secrets.
I'm a Fallen Star. She's the Unseen Lord.
I'm a famous archeologist. She's a badass Watcher.
But tonight we're just two women getting drunk, letting loose, and enjoying a moment of respite in a world that sometimes feels a bit mad.
And while I can't wait to see Dean again, and explore whatever it is we have, and she surely is looking forward to being with her fiancé again soon, we also appreciate the importance of female friendships, of bonds that are thicker than blood, of moments that bind strangers into family.
Fenris Vane, King of Inferna, an Epilogue
The ride north is long and hard, and yet there is nowhere I would rather be, but back here, in the rugged wilderness of Inferna. I breathe in the scents of pine and earth and snow of my homeland. The realm of War. It has been many weeks since I left to search for Arianna, since Levi captured me and held me prisoner. I have been gone too long. I miss my wife. I miss my children. Yes, even Aya. Perhaps especially Aya. Though Dean told me of what she has done. Of how she bewitched her mother and fought against her brother. He also told me of how she did the right thing at the end. I hope she is safe. I pray she is happy.
My wolf, Baron, travels to my right, with Dean at my left, his horse prone to nipping at mine when too close. He talks often and about things of little importance, but I am glad for his company. And I suppose, beyond being my brother, he is also one of my dearest friends. Him, Kayla, and Asher are all very dear to me. And yet, I realize I have spent little time with them in these past years, having been so focused on ruling. Perhaps now I will make more time for friends. For family. Perhaps I can even grow closer to Ace and Zeb. For I thought about them often when locked away, inches from death. I thought of how sad it was, that I could die now, and not have truly known them.