Page 38 of Fallen Star
His chest vibrates as he speaks. A strong warm rubble. “And what is this new feeling?"
“I feel… old,” I say.
He laughs, and I feel the heat rising in my cheeks. Of course. Why would I, a vampire who has lived for millennium, always youthful in body and mind, suddenly complain about being old? How silly of me… he must think me foolish.
But then my love surprises me, as he often does. “I understand,” he says tenderly. “Once, we were the true leaders of our people. Thousands looked up to us. Relied on us. We bore that great responsibility, because we were the only ones who could bear it. But now, the vampires have a new prince in Elias. And slowly but surely, he is taking on more and more obligations. Iris stands by his side, assisting and leading in all sorts of manners. And soon their children, if they choose to have children—and I suspect they will—those children will too become leaders. Even I, the Air Druid of my people, have seen Kayla take up many of my duties. And now, Arias, the new water druid, takes on even more. A new generation has come, my love. A new generation that does so well what we once thought only we could do. And so yes, I understand why you feel old. Because for the first time in my life, I feel the same.”
I look up at his kind and glorious face, and I smile and touch his cheek gently.
“Varis, you are, and always will be, my Karasi. Spirit of my heart."
Our lips meet. I feel his hot breath mix with my own. We stay together for a while, holding each other, enjoying each other’s bodies. Quite sometime later, and yet altogether too soon, we are interrupted by a knock on the door. “We have arrived,” hollers a crewman from outside the cabin.
Finally. Hopefully I can feel useful once more. And forget all about feeling old. Even if just for a moment. Though, I suspect the worry will return to me in time.
Varis and I get dressed and depart our lodgings, stepping into the sunlight and looking upon the island where the ancient Storm Spirit once slumbered. The place is in ruins. Dead trees still cover much of the forest. Burned and crumbled buildings still litter the village.
This will not do. This will not do at all. The island needs even more help than I anticipated. Not only to repair, but to grow. This measly village could be a paradise of wonder and splendor. Who better than the Prince of Pride to endow some style and panache onto this little corner of life? Yes, indeed. This project is all I could have hoped for and more.
I’m pulled from my thoughts when I see my very good friends coming up to greet us. Tavian and Kayla. Looking as marvelous as ever. Tavian with that luxurious copper hair and olive skin of his. Kayla with her purple and silver phoenix perched on her shoulder, blue ponytail waving carelessly in the wind. I’m so happy to see them, I almost fail to notice the dirt on their leather clothes, or the slight stench of mud upon them. Almost. I mean… I am still the Prince of Pride, after all.
We hug and exchange greetings, laughing and smiling just because we can. And then the four of us, Kayla, Tavian, Varis, and I, descend from the ship and head into the village, observing the work that still needs doing.
“We are grateful for your help,” says Tavian, clasping my shoulder. “Your crew should double our workforce and can make good progress before the next winter. We have families in need of homes. Though of course, they are being provided for, the circumstances are not ideal.”
I nod. “Indeed. We came as soon as we heard of your peril. If you don’t mind, I have some other suggestions and ideas to discuss with you soon.”
Kayla squints her eyes at me. “You’re not intending to add a hotel, are you?”
I raise my arm to my chest, aghast. “A hotel? Dear no, Kayla. Why stop there? I intend to add an entire resort and recreational park to this little slice of heaven.”
She rolls her eyes at me, but smiles all the same, and I know she will agree with me eventually. In the meantime, there are more hellos to make. “Where is that boy of yours, Arias?” I ask.
“Likely helping the men on the hill,” says Tavian. “He feels personally responsible for much of the destruction that occurred here. And he does his best to make up for it every day, I think. I will take you to him tonight, if you wish. But right now, you must be weary from your journey. Come. The inn is still functional. We have wine and ale and juicy roasted duck for you.”
I lick my lips, in deep need of something other than nearly rotting grapes and bread.
“That sounds lovely,” I say, following Kayla into the tavern.
The four of us order everything on the menu, a delectable selection of crab and lobster and moon fish, and of course the duck, along with a variety of cheeses and sweet meats, roasted veggies and powdered pastries. Though we start drinking early, we don’t stop until late into the night, exchanging stories of our many years together and apart. At one point, Tavian falls over with laughter, and as I mention my little “honeymoon incident” Varis turns as red as a cherry. By the end, Kayla outdrinks us all, ordering another round while we’re quite ready to call it a night. It is good to see my friends so happy. And I realize I missed them far more than I had thought. And that perhaps it will be a quite long while until I leave this little island.
I look at each of us. A druid, a vampire, an ancient Fae, and a Shade. All of us equals, all of us comrades. And for a moment, I cannot believe that the goal I set out to achieve so many years ago, of peace between our races, has finally been accomplished.
And an overwhelming sense of pride and love consumes me.
As the new round is served, I step away for a moment, grabbing some fresh air on a pier overlooking the water. The stars are shining brightly tonight, and the waters are calm and splendid for a swim. Perhaps I will take one later with Varis. But right now, I notice a figure in the distance. Arias, dressed completely in loose, white clothing, leaning down on one knee by the waves, his golden hair spilling over his shoulders. He is talking and smiling and laughing, and I follow his gaze to a most lovely creature. A mermaid laying on the beach, propped up on her elbows, listening intently to his every word, her cheeks flushing red. Even from this distance, I can tell they are in love. Ah, yes. Young love. How fiercely it burns.
It makes me think of my own youthful days. Of passionate affairs and causal dalliances, of dangerous flirtations and broken hearts. And yet, for all the excitement of those days, I would never trade them for the comfort and love I share with Varis now.
He comes out from the tavern, my glorious druid of the air, my wild one, and wraps his arms around me. “I missed you,” he whispers. “What have you been up to, my love?”
“Thinking,” I say, taking a deep breath. “Thinking that I am truly old. And that might be perfectly fine. Yes. That is perfectly fine indeed.”
He kisses me upon the head, and I take his hand in mine, and together we turn around and walk back into the tavern, to be amongst friends.
Alex Stone, an Epilogue
"This feels serious," I say, applying a coat of red lipstick to match my dress.