Page 30 of I Am the Wild
"You look in one piece," I say. "And it seems you're a boy."
He holds eye contact with me and purrs each time I pet him. He looks at me with such love and devotion my heart melts, and I'm determined I will keep him. Hopefully I don't have to go battle with the brothers over this, but I will if I must.
I head back to the castle and I find Lily, bringing her into my plan. After a high-pitched squeal of delight, she goes off in search of food and supplies to care for him.
I bring him back to my room and take a warm cloth to his fur, brushing away bits of stick and dirt. He purrs the whole time.
When I'm done, I hold his face up to mine, nuzzling him with my nose. "You're going to need a name," I say. "What shall we call you?"
Lily comes in, carrying a bowl of food and one with water, and I ask her the name of the bush he got stuck in.
"It's called a Moonweed," she says. "Though it's not really a weed. And it can only be grown with magic."
I look into the kitten's eyes again, studying him. "I'm not going to name you Weed. But I like the name Moon. What do you think?"
He purrs and licks my nose. I laugh. "I think we have a winner. Lily, meet Moon."
She claps and then sits next to me and gives him some love. "I don't think we've ever had a pet in the castle before. Especially not a cat. This is going to be so fun!"
"Do you think the brothers will give me a hard time about it?" I ask.
Lily shrugs. "Who cares? What are they going to do to stop you? Take him to Granny first. Once she's on board, they're powerless. Everyone thinks they run things around here, but it's really Granny. Always has been."
I yawn, the day, or rather night, catching up with me. Lily nods sympathetically. "It's a hard schedule to get used to," she says. "My kind are drawn to the sun, but fortunately we also don't need much sleep. But humans do. Get some rest. Tonight is going to be a busy day."
I laugh at that and nod, my body suddenly feeling as if weights have been added to my arms and legs.
Lily pulls the curtains in my room, sending it into complete darkness, and stokes the fire to ward off the constant chill in the castle. I always dreamed of living in a castle when I was a little girl, but I never realized how drafty they could be.
Before Lily leaves the room I call after her. "How do I use the plumbing in the bathroom?"
I'm looking forward to a long bath once I'm not so exhausted.
She smiles. "It's not plumbing, it's magic." She makes a series of symbols in the air. "Use those and you'll be fine."
I practice a few times and she nods. "You've got it. Goodnight, Eve."
She closes the door softly and I crawl into bed with Moon, who curls up on my shoulder in the crook of my neck and purrs contentedly.
It only takes moment for me to fall asleep after my head hits the pillow.
That night my dreams turn dark. I'm in the woods, alone at night. Naked. Bleeding. Scared. Moon is trapped in barbed vines and I can't get to him. He's crying, meowing to get out, but every time he moves he gets cut.
My hands and arms are covered in bloody gashes, but I've made no progress in getting him freed.
Then a tall man walks up to me, black cape flowing behind him. It's Dracula, his pale face shining in the moonlight.
He walks with a black ebony cane tipped with jade at the handle, his dark eyes taking everything in.
When he reaches me, he smiles, but his eyes remain hard, cold, calculating. Taking another step, he places himself between me and Moon, then leans in, sniffing me. "You smell different," he says. "How have they not noticed?"
Then he pulls my body towards him, his pupils dilating as he brings my bloody hands up to his mouth. His tongue flicks out, licking one of the wounds, and he smiles. "Ah, now I understand."
He laughs, dropping my arm, and reaches into the vines to pull out Moon. He does not get cut, but rather seems to repel the barbed plants away. I reach for Moon, grateful he's okay, when Dracula clutches the kitten around the neck. He stares at me for a moment. "Never trust us," he says, then he snaps Moon's neck.
I wake with a scream, and Moon startles from my shoulder, meowing and stretching as I jerk up in bed. I see him grooming himself and relief floods me. It was just a dream. But my flash is screaming at me, buzzing under my skin in a way I can't ignore.
Dracula is dangerous.