Page 22 of Forever Bound
"If Boris controls the monster he, or someone, can kill it. That should break the curse. That should free you," I say.
She nods. "It would free all the monsters in our village."
If frown at her comment, but a wave of dizziness hits me, and I lose my train of thought. "Could I…would you mind getting me a glass of water?" I ask. "I'm not feeling well."
She smiles. "Of course. I'll be back in a moment."
While she's gone I stand, stretching my muscles and trying to rid myself of this uneasiness. Maybe it's from too much blood? Or my body is already turning? We never really talked about what that process would be.
I take the time to myself to admire the beautiful collection of art pieces in her living room and come upon a collection of painted eggs. There are five, though the center one looks different from the rest.
"Those arepysanka," Vara says from across the room. A tradition in our culture."
"They're beautiful," I say, as my legs wobble beneath me. Something is very wrong. Panic surges in my gut as the pieces click together. "This middle one, why is it different?"
I hold it up, and Vara crosses the room quickly, grabbing it from me. "Do not touch it. It's very special." She cradles it like a child, and I glance over at my tea, suspicions forming as I sway and clutch the fireplace mantlepiece to avoid collapsing.
"The tea should have worked by now," she mumbles, her eyes fixated on the egg. "What has the beast in the forest done to you?"
"He's made me stronger," I say, as a surge of power pours through me. It's Ivan. Somehow he's giving me his strength. It burns away the effects of the tea, but I don't let her see this. Instead, I fall into the chair, feigning weakness I no longer feel. The truth is, I feel like I could lift a horse right now. It's heady and exhilarating.
"It was you?" I ask. "You've been controlling Koschei? That's his soul, isn't it?"
She smiles, pacing the room with her egg. "Yes. It's been me all along."
"Why? Why kill your own people? Your own friend?"
Her smile drops. "That was unfortunate, and I feel truly awful for it. But Sasha found out what I was doing and would have ruined everything. You see, I want to break the curse on this village. Boris wants us to stay trapped forever. He believes it keeps us pure. He has to be stopped or we will never be free."
I glance outside and notice the sun setting. Ivan will awaken soon. He'll know where I am. I have to keep her talking.
"So why not break the egg if you have it. That will end it."
She shakes her head. "That will free the other monster. Ivan, as you call him. Do you think he's innocent? Ask him who he killed when he became a vampire. Ask him how many innocent lives he's taken."
"And what of you?" I ask. "How many lives have you taken for your own selfish ends?"
She just smiles. "You are too young to understand. To fully appreciate what needs to be done for the good of all, and now you will never know. That tea will end your life, but you will go peacefully. I can't say the same for the monster you've clearly bedded."
I recoil at the bitterness in her voice. She hates Ivan. Detests him.
"What did he do to you?" I ask.
She narrows her eyes at me. "He killed my only child. My son, who went into the woods at my beckoning to end the life of the monster."
"So…you sent your son to kill Ivan, and Ivan defended himself? That's tragic but also, what the hell?"
But she's no longer listening to me. She shakes the egg, whispering words in Russian, and then smiles. "It has begun. Tonight, under the full moon, when the Koschei is the strongest, and the monster in the woods is at his weakest, they will battle. Koschei will win. And then I will kill Koschei and free us all."
I'm totally expecting amwahahaat the end of this, but nope. She just closes her eyes, confident in her tea's ability to knock me out.
I need to stop her.
Need to stop Koschei before he gets too Ivan.
I look around the room and see a small pile of wooden stakes in the corner. Shit this woman is determined to end my mate's life. Not today, bitch. Not on my watch.
With speed that surprises both of us, I lunge for a stake and then slam it into her chest with a sickening crack and thud. The egg falls from her hand and topples to the floor along with her body.