Page 54 of I Am the Storm
Under my plate is a recent copy of town news, and I scan the headlines until I see one that ruins my appetite and makes my blood run cold.
"What is it?" Sebastian asks.
I push the paper over to him. "Look."
Anger is clouding my judgment and when my fists turn to balls of fire, Sebastian pays quickly and escorts me out.
"How could this happen?" I ask.
"It's not a perfect system," Sebastian says.
I spin on him. "Not perfect? Not perfect? We're not even in the ballpark of perfect. We're so far from perfect right now that even adequate is out of reach. Competence is a laughable dream. This is a disgrace. This is evil!"
Lily pulls the carriage up and raises an eyebrow when she sees me. "What happened?"
Sebastian answers for me since I'm still too rage-monster to speak in coherent sentences. "The Collector was released from prison. He won't face charges."
Lily flinches as if physically punched, then shakes her head sadly.
Before we take off, I make a decision. "Lily, take us by Lilith's house on the way home. I need to call in a favor."
The Party
There is nothing more important than love. And no law higher. ~Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
My visitwith Lilith yields the results I expect, but I'm still struggling with my decision. Am I stepping over the line? Sliding down a slippery slope? I believe what I've done is the right choice. The just choice.
It's just not the legal choice.
Now I wait to hear back from her.
I also have a shit ton of work to do.
For two weeks, time passes at breakneck speed. We leave no stone unturned in trying to suss out the ravings of a madman, and we make no progress in figuring out what the dragons might be lying about. We already knew Ethne had no love lost for the dragons, if she was willing to betray Ava'Kara and steal her egg, so the news that their family bore a grudge against the dragons doesn't help our case any. Not unless we could figure out why, and not unless that why is connected to her motive and could also connect us to her partner/killer.
All in all, it's a waste. Our strongest argument is lack of evidence on the part of the prosecutor, but given that's Dath’Racul himself, I doubt very much that will be enough to get Liam a Not Guilty verdict.
"How can they let him prosecute?" I ask, for probably the millionth time since I found out. "He's got way too much power to make a fair prosecutor."
"It's not fair," Liam says, fire sparking at the tips of his fingers. "But nothing about this system is fair."
The other three brothers agree. Cole is the only one missing. He never attends meetings about Liam's court case, arguing he's not a lawyer and has done all he can to help. He's likely at the local pub enjoying a strong drink. I could use a strong drink myself at this point.
Matilda comes in carrying a tray of goblets and food. "You lot have been at this long enough. Have you not noticed the date?"
Elijah's eyes widen. "It's New Year's Eve tomorrow. And the court case is the next day."
Liam frowns. "There's nothing more we can do. Justice will prevail or it won't. This might be my last holiday with those I love the most," he says, his gaze locking on mine. "And I want to celebrate it. Put the law books away. And let's prepare the castle for a proper New Year's celebration."
Derek stops his pacing, hands locked behind his back, and glances at Liam. "We can't give up."
"It's not giving up," Liam says. "It's recognizing we are as prepared as we possibly can be. At the end of the day, they have no evidence against me. That's going to have to be enough. It's not our job to prove who the real criminal is. It's their job to prove it's me. And they can't." He shrugs, and as hot tempered as the fire Druid can be, he seems to be learning when to let things go.
Now is one of those times. I can see it in him. He needs to have a family celebration. Some joy. Some time with his daughter.
"I agree with Liam," I say. "This time of year is about family. Let's make happy memories while we can."
Matilda smiles gently at me, and the others finally stop arguing and stop working and we break to begin preparations for the party.