Page 61 of I Am the Storm
I sigh and kiss his neck, to let him know what I think of his restraint. He groans again. "You're killing me, Eve."
Within his arms, while enjoying the scent of him and feel of him, I dive into myself again and am relieved to discover the elements within me are growing once more. I didn't lose my magic, it was just tapped out. Good to know that can happen.
And then my thoughts return to the trial, and I sit back. "I don't understand. Even without evidence, it seemed the dragons were determined to use you as the fall guy for this. What changed?"
"I don't know. But I'm grateful."
I smile. "So am I. Now Alina won't have to grow up without her father."
He nods. "What we talked about before…"
"It's okay if you want to change your mind about me adopting her," I say, though in my heart I had come to want it very badly. But still, I can't hold him to something he decided when he thought he was going away for life, or worse.
"I'm not changing my mind, Eve," he says, shaking his head as if I'm being absurd. "I'm checking to see if you've changed yours. I would understand, though I hope you haven't."
"I haven't," I say. "I want to be her mother. More than anything."
He smiles with true abandon, and it warms my heart, but then a sinking sensation steals over me. "But first, I need to tell you something, and it may affect your decision about this."
"I doubt it," he says. "But go ahead."
And so, I tell him everything. About Adam—or who I thought was Adam. About lying to him and about what came out of me when my powers activated during my confrontation with Cole.
"The weird thing was, when my powers hit, I was me but not me. Like someone else was speaking through me. I don't know how to explain it, but I said things that didn't make sense." I pause, frowning. "Anyways, I thought you should know all that before deciding on something so important. I know you're probably furious with me, and I don't blame you."
I wait for him to explode, to rage, to…I don't know, lose his temper, but instead he blinks.
That's it.
Just a blink.
"I've been wondering when you would tell me about Adam," he says, shocking the living hell out of me. "I've known for a while. I overheard the two of you at the Midwinter Festival. Though I must say, I'm so sorry my brother deceived you like that. That was cruel, even for him."
My heart lurches, both in relief that Liam isn't as angry as I thought he would be, and in renewed grief at remembering my brother really is still dead, and always was. Thinking I had him back, even knowing what he had become, gave me comfort. I didn't feel so alone in the world, knowing he was still in it.
He was the last person left alive who knew me as a child, who shared those memories of us growing up. Now, they live in me alone.
"Why didn't you say something if you already knew?" I ask.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he replies.
"Well, you are known for having quite the temper," I say. "And I didn't know what to do about Adam. He's my twin. I had to sort out what the right course of action was, and I didn't want you killing him."
A knock at the door interrupts us, and Matilda comes in. "I thought you might be awake," she says, smiling. "You have a visitor, my dear. Lilith is here for you."
"Thank you. I need a few minutes to freshen up. Can you tell her I'll be down shortly?"
Matilda nods and leaves, and Liam stands. "Do you want assistance dressing?" he asks.
I laugh. "I thought we weren't supposed to fool around? Doctor's orders or something?"
"There will be no fooling around. Strictly platonic."
He holds up his hands innocently, then slips one arm around me to help me from the bed. My legs are wobbly, and I walk about as well as a newborn colt. "How long will I feel this way?" I ask.
"It will take time for your strength and powers to return," he says as he guides me to the bathroom. "But I don't know specifically. You're a bit of an anomaly in the magical world, as I'm sure you've realized."
With Liam's totally platonic (sadly) help, I manage to bathe, brush my hair and teeth, and change into something appropriate. While dressing I notice the ring Cole gave me is missing from my finger. "Did you see my ring?" I ask. "Silver with black onyx."