Page 63 of I Am the Storm
I open the urn and tilt it, but the air is stagnate and doesn't catch the ashes.
Closing my eyes, I dip into my power and pull just enough from air to encourage a breeze that takes my brother's remains and sweeps them into the water.
"Goodbye, Adam," I whisper, letting the wind carry my words with his body. "Every day I think of you. Every day I wish things had gone differently for us. You should be here with me, exploring this new world, enjoying this new family. They would love you. You'd have brothers. So many brothers." I chuckle. As children, I used to dress up like a boy and pretend to be Adam's brother sometimes, so the other boys wouldn't refuse to play with us.
"I wish I could go back in time, to the day before you died, and tell you all that is in my heart. Tell you that I would have endured a thousand bankruptcies and shitty apartments to have you back. I wish I could tell you how much I love you. How much I miss you. How a piece of me died with you."
I choke on my words as the urn empties, and I watch as his ashes drift on the current.
"I wish I could tell you there were other options. Other choices. You didn't have to take your life."
I wipe my eyes and think back on all the beautiful memories we shared as children. Even the hardest times feel sweet in reflection, because I had him. "I hope more than anything that you have found peace. That whatever awaits us in the afterlife has brought you healing and joy. Someday we will be together again. Until then and always, I will carry you in my heart."
The Sacrifice
Your love was born in the wild, growing from the soft earth surrounded by trees that were surrounded by stars. That is why the forest has such a hold on you. That is why sometimes if feels like the moon knows your name.
~Your Loveby Nikita Gill
"I'll be with her,"Lily argues, setting her glass of berry juice down firmly.
Sebastian crosses his arms over his chest, for the millionth time, and huffs.
I'm sick and tired of this argument. "This isn't a discussion," I say. "The note said to come alone. I'm not even sure Lily should be there."
Now it's Lily's turn to huff. "Of course, I should be there. Who else will drive you? Do you know how to effectively guide a horse drawn carriage?" she asks pointedly.
My mouth flops open like a dead fish, and I snap it closed again and ignore her question. Because no, I have no idea how to effectively guide a horse drawn carriage, and it's one more thing I mentally add to my growing list of shit I need to learn how to do in this world in my free time. Ha! As if I have free time.
"Besides," Lily continues, "I can just leave if it's a problem. Either way, Eve will be fine. She always is."
Lily beams at me and my heart swells at the confidence she has. But I have to admit to a certain amount of nerves. I'm about to meet a dragon face to face. Alone. For reasons unknown. That's not an everyday kinda thing, and I think I'm okay in feeling a bit flustered about it all.
What's the difference between excitement and anxiety? It's hard to say, isn't it? To the body, they are the same. It's only to the mind that they are different. One anticipates a positive outcome in a particular life event, the other anticipates a negative outcome. They are two sides of the same coin.
And so, I do my best to manage my nerves as Lily drives me to the water dragon's palace.
I have so many questions, and I wonder if I'll get any of them answered. We still don't know why they dropped the case against Liam, or what Cole did or said. I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Will this be it? Will today be the day?
Ava'Kara walks down from her throne when we enter, and she doesn't even wait for the standard bows and curtseys. She takes me by the arm and guides me behind her throne into the water that I first saw her emerge from in her dragon form.
Using her powers, she creates a vortex that surrounds us, pulling us to the surface. Ava'Kara is about to use her water manipulation to allow me to breathe, but I beat her to it, channeling my own power to create an air pocket around me.
She raises an eyebrow. "I see you've come into your power. Good. That will make this all go much more smoothly."
"Make what go more smoothly?" I ask, feeling like a parrot.
She studies me with her large blue reptilian eyes. "I need a favor from you. A quite extraordinary one."
"What kind of favor?" I ask, suddenly more nervous than ever, my flash pinging like a winning slot machine in Vegas.
"The kind only you can provide."
We reach a platform made of the largest seashells I've ever seen, and Ava'Kara transforms into her dragon form, her sapphire scales like jewels flashing against the colorful sky.
"Get on," she says.
"You…you want me to ride on your back?" I ask, incredulous.