Page 13 of Wanted 2
I could tell he wasn’t impressed. “Money is a triviality to me,” he said.
When he didn’t continue, my heart began to pound. I didn’t have anything else to bargain. Shit.
“However.” His gaze shifted to something behind me, and the way he stared made me want to turn around to see what he was staring at. “I will require other services from you in exchange."
My back stiffened. Was he putting me on that level, then? “What kind of services,” I grated, teeth clenched.
His eyes immediately returned to mine. “Not what you're thinking." He stepped closer to me then, bringing his body an inch away from mine. “I was under the impression this part of our relationship was mutual?"
My breathing shallowed as his scent overwhelmed me. “It was,” I whispered. “Is.” How could he—without even touching me—make me so weak with need? I licked my dry lips and asked again, “So, what services?”
Again, his gaze turned unseeing as he focused over my shoulder. “Those will become apparent as the need arises," he replied, not answering the question at all.
I was about to insist he ask nothing illegal, but who the hell was I kidding? I was way past worrying about what was legal and what wasn't. And anyway, for Jeremy, I’d do it all.
"So, we have a deal?" I asked, lifting my hand for a handshake, but there was so very little room between us, my hand grazed his hip.
He caught my fingers in his and running the pad of his thumb over my palm, elegantly brought my hand to his lips. God, the gesture was so practiced, so smooth. And his lips, kissing me so gently, felt like a butterfly landing on my skin. Doubtless, he must have kissed countless women this way, but still, I felt special. Unique. My knees trembled.
“We have a deal, Kassandra,” his deep baritone rumbled beneath my skin. “Jeremy stays away from my private suite and office, and he follows the rules set forth. If either of you break them, you both are out. There will be no further negotiation. Are we clear?"
I nodded. “Crystal.”
He let me go, trailing his thumb again in a way that increased the intimacy of the simple gesture of letting go of my hand. I watched him, my pulse racing, as he took the hall in long strides and vanished into the darkness.
Jeremy could stay.
If only this situation could last. If only I didn't have to screw up this whole thing in less than a week.
But the clock was ticking. And if Don got to Jeremy, no amount of magic family potion would cure him then. I didn’t have a choice. I had to follow Don’s instructions to the letter.
When I woke the next afternoon, it was to hear Jeremy whistling under his breath.
I’d fallen asleep on the couch. I propped myself on an elbow and looked up to see my brother resting on his stomach on a fully made bed, reading a book, face relaxed and whistling softly as he always did when he concentrated on something interesting. He’d obviously been up for a bit.
I’d really done it. I’d secured him a safe place to stay—with me even. And after…after Don did what he did, Jeremy and I would be off to Canada with our fake IDs, and no one would ever threaten us again.
“Feeling better?” I asked as I sat up.
Jeremy rolled himself off the bed, a gesture that should’ve been impossible with a broken rib.
“I’m awesome.” He grinned, jumping to his feet.
The Count should sell that potion. He’d make millions. But then… I glanced around at the luxury of my room, and that was just a single room in a mansion of many. Well, maybe that was where his wealth came from?
I turned back to my brother. God, it was so nice to see him happy. “The Count said you can stay here, for a bit,” I said. “But there are rules.”
“Rules? Right.”
I led Jeremy down to the kitchen, reciting the rules along the way. Then, I made him breakfast. A shake, like I made myself. Now that I knew he was going to be here for a bit, I’d have to hit the grocery store for things he liked to eat. He wasn’t a picky eater, but he did prefer to stay in the realm of the familiar. Standard things like, eggs, white bread, Mac ‘n Cheese, pasta.
“And school?” Jeremy asked when I turned off the blender. His expression had turned guarded.
Yeah, I wasn’t shipping him back to those bullies anytime soon. “Urgent care said you’d be out of school for at least a week,” I said. “And even though I’m sure you could run a marathon right now, you’re out for the week.”
Wow. Two wide grins in a single day, and we’d just gotten started. I found myself grinning back, despite all the shit that was going on. My thoughts darkened for a moment. Don. The robbery. What the hell was I doing? But I brushed off the worry, at least for now. Seeing that grin on Jeremy’s peaked face made it all worthwhile. I chose to bask in that for as long as I could.