Page 21 of Wanted 3
Everything but the eyes.
There was no soul in her eyes. Only evil.
"Leave him alone!"
The creature looked up and smiled, the cruel smile of a thing without conscience.
I was so close, only a few yards away. “That’s not mom, Jeremy,” I hissed.
He didn’t listen. It was like he was sleep walking. As I watched, the figure reached for him, arms opening wide. And even though the shadows trembled at Jeremy's feet, he stepped forward into her embrace.
Then, everything seemed to move in slow motion.
The woman's arms turned into claws. Mutated body parts began to pop out from her neck, spine, and legs, transforming her into a hideous beast of mismatched animal parts that looked like it had been put together in Frankenstein’s lab.
Suddenly, the claws slashed through the air.
Blood splatter hit the creature's face as Jeremy's small body crashed to the ground.
My heart froze. I couldn’t think. I could only stare in shock at his crumpled form lying in the damp grass.
Time seemed to stand still.
And as if I had been the one attacked, my life with my little brother flashed before my eyes. I relived all of our memories together in a fraction of a heartbeat, even as Vlad took his shot.
As the silver bolt sliced the air straight and true, to pierce the very center of the beast's heart, all I could think about were the nights I'd spent reading Jeremy to sleep while he curled in my arms.
As the creature screamed, falling back with a howl of anguish, the death cry of a wounded animal, my mine recalled cherished memories of teaching my brother how to ride a bike, and how much it hurtmeevery time he fell and bruised his knees. But he would just laugh and tell me he was tougher than he looked.
As the creature staggered and dropped to its knees, I was lost in the memory of the Christmas I saved all my waitressing money to get Jeremy the microscope he had been hoping for. The look in his eyes made all the hours of sacrifice worth it.
As the monster breathed its last breath, I stayed rooted in shock. I’d promised Jeremy I’d keep him safe. That I’d protect him. My heart tore at the impotence of my lie.
Then, I was rushing to his side, hysterical tears blinding my vision. I fell to my knees and pulled him into my arms. Blood gushed from his throat, and his wide brown eyes began to gloss over as he tried to speak.
“No! No!” I sobbed, trying in vain to stop the blood.
Jeremy gurgled, spitting crimson.
I had no choice. I had to make him a vampire. To save his life. In that moment, I didn’t even care if he wanted that or not. I wouldn’t let him die. I couldn’t lose him. My tears mingled with his blood as I prepared myself.
But just as I leaned into him to begin, I noticed the wound on his throat had stopped bleeding.
“No,” I gasped. I was too late.
Yet even as I thought my deepest fear, I felt his heart beat. It was faint, ever so faint, but still there.
And he was breathing.
It was then, with my new vision, that I saw every detail of the shadows curling around him, covering his throat. Tendrils of smoke writhed over the wound, stitching it closed. Healing him.
I held my breath as his eyelashes fluttered and he blinked. “It wasn’t Mom,” he whispered, his cheeks wet with tears.
“No, baby,” I choked, hugging him close. "It wasn't. But I’m here forever and you're going to be okay."
He reached up and returned my hug, the strength coming back to him faster than I could have ever imagined. I just held him, hugging him close.
Gradually, I became aware of the creature, lifeless on the ground with Vlad standing over it, crossbow still in hand.