Page 28 of I Am the Night
Once we are done with our drinks, Sebastian and I stand to take our leave. "It's been so good seeing you again. Come over for dinner sometime," I say at the door.
Elal gives me a hug and Ifi screeches and bursts into flames, startling us all.
"What the hell?" Sebastian says, rushing out of the way of the flames.
Ifi simmers down and apologizes. "I've been having hot flashes lately," he says. "Especially when I remember something important."
"I'm thinking hot flashes mean something different for you than they do for my world," I say. "But regardless, what did you remember?"
Ifi heads over to a desk and pulls out an envelope. "We were asked to give this to you, and only you."
Curious, I open it, and find a note written in heavy script font with dripping black ink.
Meetme at Landal's Tomb when you get this. I have information that could help you. Come alone or I won't be there. ~Dath'Racul
"What's Landal's Tomb?"I ask.
"Doesn't matter," Sebastian says, reading over my shoulder. "You're not going."
"You know I have to," I say. "Too much is at stake and we know too little right now."
"Then I'm coming with you." Sebastian crosses his arms stubbornly over his chest.
"No, you're not. He won't show if you do. Besides, I think I've proven I can take care of myself."
"Uh oh," Ifi singsongs. "A lovers' quarrel. But they do make the best make-up sex."
Elal shushes his lover and I blush for the second time today. Sebastian looks away, and I know we are both thinking about being in bed together for the first time. That moment needs to happen sooner rather than later.
"He could be the killer," Sebastian says.
"That seems unlikely. The dagger isn't the murder weapon."
“Dragons don’t need a horn, remember?"
I sigh, wishing we had more clues. But that’s exactly why I need to meet with him.
"Even if he didn't do it, he's dangerous,” says Sebastian.
"I faced off his mother, I think I can handle him," I say. "Besides I'm not going there to fight him, just to hear what he has to say." I turn to the Ifrits. "Where, and what, is Landal's Tomb?" I ask again.
Sebastian falls into a melancholy sulk while Elal answers my question.
"Landal's Tomb is where one of the three original Fates was buried."
My ears perk up at that. "Are there tombs for all three Fates?" I ask. In my mind I'm wondering ifI'mburied somewhere, which is such a weird and creepy thing to contemplate.
"Nope," Ifi says, linking his arm through Elal's. The bigger Ifrit pulls Ifi closer, their bodies conforming to each other's as they speak. "She was the only one whose body was found after they disappeared. The other two were presumed dead, but no one knows for sure what happened to them."
"How did she die?" I ask.
"She was murdered," Ifi whispers, as if this is top secret information. "But no one knows by whom. However, there aren't many beings that can kill a fate. The list is short."
"Ifi," Elal says sternly.
"What? It's not like she can hear us. Not here."
Elal frowns. "It's best not to speak ill of her regardless."