Page 69 of I Am the Night
"See you soon, then," I say. "I'll be looking for you."
He smiles. "We will always find each other. We always have."
And then he is gone.
“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First, to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without fear.”
1 year later
Lily and Kayagaze deeply into each other's eyes as they take their vows to one another. We are in the center of the majestic grove surrounded by trees. They are both dressed in full dryad style, with wildflowers and vines flowing from their beautiful gowns.
Alina, barely walking, totters nearby, with Moon to keep her steady, and she randomly tosses rose petals at people.
All our friends are here to celebrate the mating of these remarkable dryads.
"I now give to you the beautiful mating of Lily and Kaya, forever bound by love, by respect, by compassion, and by the elements that shape our world."
They kiss and our friends cheer, tossing flowers at the happy couple.
The ceremony was short and sweet, but the afterparty will last all night, as is tradition.
There are tables set up with drink and food, mats for resting when people need to, and music for dancing. It is festive and lighthearted, and everyone we care about is here.
This last year has brought so much change to the Otherworld. A new form of government, rebuilding areas that were destroyed by Amora, and a shift in the way everything is managed.
It hasn't been easy. Many have been resistant to change. But slowly we are showing people that the best way to move forward is actually going forwards, not backwards. We can no longer live in the past if we want a world where everyone is safe and happy.
Ana comes over to me carrying two drinks and hands me one. "It was beautiful," she says shyly.
She is still coming out of her shell, and her healing will take time. But she is finally excited to start school with other kids her age.
I watch as the Gargoyle's daughter plays with Alina. The Ifrits join them, their new baby in hand. He's six months old now and already bursting into flames at random times. Alina loves him and is one of the few kids who can actually hold him without injury. Fortunately, the Gargoyle's child is immune to fire as well, being stone and all.
Lily and Kaya dance in blissful synchronicity, swaying to the music, lost in their love.
Lilith comes to me, a smile on her lips. "Will there be a wedding in your future?" she asks.
I laugh. "I'm not entirely sure what the logistics would be to marry five men at once," I say. "But I think our bonds are pretty well established without all this."
This year has brought a lot of personal healing to our family. The Nights and Matilda have sorted through their complicated history. The brothers have had ups and downs with Cole, but all in all we've made it work.
Lilith moves on, to chat with others, and Cole joins me. "Did I hear something about a wedding?" he asks.
I slide an arm through his. "I don't think we need one to make what we have count, do you?"
He looks down at a me. "No, but there is something I wanted to talk to you about. I want to bind myself to you, as part of the Order of Druids," he says softly.
I pause. This is huge for him. We've never talked about it. I've never demanded it. With what Cole went through, I never expected it, to be honest. "Are you sure?"
He nods. "It's the one piece missing, and I want that with you. Only you."
"Do your brothers know?" I ask.
"I wanted you to be the first, but I'll tell them."