Page 193 of The Night Firm
This is when cell phones would be super handy. I don't often think of the things I gave up to live in the Otherworld, but every once in a while the thought crosses my mind when a modern convenience could solve a host of problems.
Also, I miss him. After last night, I find myself thinking about his lips…and other body parts at random. I'm looking forward to another round with the Water druid.
Pulling my mind out of the…water…I tell the remaining brothers about my meeting with Racul.
They are stunned silent.
"I told her this is a bad idea," Sebastian says.
No one disagrees with him, but I see the spark of intrigue in Elijah's eyes, so I pounce. "Have you heard of the Ancient Library?" I ask the Air Druid.
"Not specifically, but there have always been rumors of a secret library filled with cursed spells and dangerous magic. If you really do get in, please take notes on everything you find and bring back as much as you can. That's a gold mine." He pauses, his pale blue eyes full of thought. "I should go with you," he says finally.
"I wish you could, but that wasn't part of the deal. I'm not sure Racul will be okay with anyone else coming."
"Racul isn't to be trusted," Liam says, his eyes blazing.
Oh the irony that the Fire Druid and Fire Dragon, both sexy, arrogant hot heads, hate each other so much.
But Racul did try to execute Liam for a crime he didn't commit not so long ago, so I don't blame him.
"This isn't about trust. He doesn't want the world to end. Neither do I."
Sebastian opens his mouth to say something, but I shake my head. Not right now. I don't want to explain to everyone else what's at stake. I probably shouldn't have even told him, but I needed someone to confide in. I won't deny I'm scared. But I'm not trying to save the world just to save my own life. There are many lives on the line, and I need the Nights focused on that, not on me.
Sebastian clamps his mouth shut and frowns at me.
"It sounds to me like Racul has mommy issues," Liam says, still pissed. About the kiss or the whole thing, I have no idea. Probably everything. It doesn't take much to rile him up, in or out of the bedroom.
"That may be, but if the Mother of Dragons is behind it all, how do we handle this? You guys nearly had a fit at the thought of me going up against her, but we will have to if she tries to destroy the Otherworld. So, any ideas how to defeat her?"
Elijah stands. "I need to do some more research. On the library and on dragons. When reading up on how to take care of Zara, I came across some references to other books which I have since acquired yet haven't had a chance to read. I'll get on that now."
I'm done with my dinner and set the tray aside, standing. "I'll join you. Two eyes are better than one."
He smiles. "Your mind—and company—will be much appreciated."
As we leave, Sebastian pulls me aside, holding my hand. "Why don't you want me telling them?"
"Because they need to focus, and so do we. We'll tell them if we have no choice."
"Fine. But we have to tell them eventually."
"Not if we save the world," I say with a wink and a nonchalance I'm totally faking.
I find Elijah already bent over a stack of books at a table in his office library. I sit across from him and without looking, he pushes a pile to me. I take a quill and parchment and open up the first book in the pile. I basically have a photographic memory, so the notes are more for Elijah than for me.
I speed read the first book, but nothing stands out as helpful other than one story of a dragon killed by its own reflection in a children's myth. It seems sketchy at best as reliable information, but I take notes anyways and move on.
Several hours pass and my neck cramps before I set another book down to stretch. Elijah is gone, and reappears moments later with a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies. "I know they're your favorite. I thought you could use the sugar."
"You are my favorite person in the world right now," I say as I munch on one. "Seriously, I wish you could still enjoy food. These are the bomb."
When only crumbs are left on the plate, Elijah stands behind me and massages my shoulders.
"Oh my god, that feels amazing."
"You're tense. I shouldn't have kept you up this late. You have an early morning."