Page 98 of The Night Firm
She sniffs and lowers her hands, releasing both brothers. "You both need to cool off and clear your heads. And don't you dare use your powers against each other in this house again!”
“Yes, Matilda,” they say in unison, rubbing at their ears.
“Now that you’re done being idiots,” I interject. "Something's wrong. Lily doesn't look any better," I say. "The tree isn't healing."
Liam frowns. "I need milkweed," he says, looking to Matilda.
"We are out," she says. "And nothing will be open with all the chaos. But I know someone who will have some. I'll send a message to have them bring it here as soon as they're able."
I gaze at Liam. "Will Lily be okay?" I ask.
"I won't know until I get her the potion." He sighs. “In the meanwhile, I’ll do what I can.” He walks back over to the tree and kneels by Lily, placing his hands over her and muttering words I don’t understand.
"I'll stay with you," I say, but he shakes his head.
"Go clean up, get some food. You're going to need your strength."
I look down at my mud and ash and water-soaked dress and realize he's right. I'm a mess. "Okay, but keep me posted?"
He nods. “Matilda. Can you fetch me the salves from my room? Second drawer?”
She nods, walking past Elijah. “You should all clean up,” she says to him. "It's going to be a long night."
* * *
Once I stripmy ruined gowned off my bruised and tired body, I do the hand motion to turn on the magical waterfall-like shower and step into the stone enclosure. The hot water soothes my tired muscles and washes away the grime that's caked to my skin and in every crevice of my body.
Closing my eyes, I take a moment to sift through everything that's happened in the last forty-eight hours.
Winning Dracula's case.
Jerry's death.
The emergence of my powers.
That kiss with Liam.
The Night brothers choosing life over suicide when their sire bond was broken.
Liam's child coming to live with us.
My brother returning from the dead.
The explosion.
The injuries.
Lily almost dying.
How can so much happen in such a short time? In any given moment, life can change forever, and you'll never know when that change is about to hit.
How do we get through life with so much uncertainty? So much that's out of our control?
The worst of all these moments flash in my mind and anxiety creeps into me slowly, overtaking my senses. My heart rate increases, and my body begins to shake. I lean against the stone wall and wrap my arms over my chest, then sink to the floor, letting the fear and pain consume me. Sobs wrack my body and everything in me turns dark until I can't see or feel or hear anything.
There's nothing around me but emptiness. Black emptiness. I scream but nothing comes out. Panic seizes me. I try to summon the tools to calm myself, but I can’t. It’s too much. It’s all too much!
But then strong hands grip my shoulders. A soft voice whispers in my ear. My eyes pop open and I look around.