Page 33 of Unholy Night
She purses her lips in a miniature version of the exact same expression Lyla makes when she’s thinking.
“Santa quit his job on Christmas Eve. Mommy always says you should treat people not just how you want to be treated but how they want to be treated,” she says thoughtfully. “Santa treated the whole world meanly. That’s not nice. And he said you should do his job for him right?”
I nod. “That’s right.”
“Well,” she frowns. “That means you need his stuff if you’re gonna do his job. Right?”
I nod again. “One could argue that, yes.” Mandy is truly a child after my own heart.
She shrugs. “So that’s why I’m doing it. It’s part of the deal. If you’re going to do his job, then you should do it your own way.”
I beam at her logic as we finish up the sled. “You could teach my demons a thing or two.”
She grins. “Oh my gosh, how fun would that be?”
“The most fun,” I agree.
The paint dries fast, courtesy of my special ingredient. Demonic sulphur. Does wonders for the depth in the black hole-like pigment, and dries nearly instantly. So the sleigh is done by the time Tzul and their two assistants return.
And they are indeed dressed as elves. Or...some version of elves. With red and white stripes that look like blood splatter, and a garish hat that almost looks elvish but lands just left of it, in much darker territory. Though I hesitate, Mandy does not. She’s exuberant.
“Oh my gosh! You all look so cute! I love it.” She squeals and looks to me. “Any chance I can change into one of these? I like theirs better.”
Tzul looks ready to explode with excitement. I hope he doesn’t. It was such a mess to clean up last time.
“Oh yes, Master, may she? We have an extra. The perfect fit.” Which obviously means they’ve been hoping for this exact reaction. They are already in love with the child.
Will they pine for her once she goes home? Or will they cherish this memory as I will? Though, I’m starting to think I’m going to do both. Which is not very good for my dignity.
“Fine. You two have worn me down. But only if you’re sure your mother won’t mind,” I say, vaguely wondering if I should wait to ask Lyla, but then deciding this can’t be that consequential, can it? It’s just an outfit. Both costumes are ridiculous, anyway.
And Mandy and Tzul are too excited to change my mind now.
Tzul scrambles away then returns with said outfit. So fast I’m certain this was the plan all along, but he clutches his air of innocence as he hands Mandy the clothing. And really, it’s an amazing thing to see a demon with such an innocent expression. She looks around for a place to change and I direct her to the office near the barn. With full plumbing, I might add. After all,Iam not the one here to be punished.
I cut Tzul a glare at his deception, but when he smiles sheepishly I can’t maintain it.
“The pretty lady makes you smell nice, Master,” the demon says suddenly.
“I…” I feel momentarily rattled, but this won’t do at all. “Nonsense. I am the King of Hell. I am not meant to smell… nice.”
I expect my tone to intimidate the defiant demon, but he just smirks knowingly. “Sure thing, Master. Whatever you say.”
I growl and turn away from him just as Mandy returns. She’s skipping back through the trees, surrounded by a different set of demons. Good grief, they’re flocking to her now.
I smile when I see her and she gives a little spin, looking like a goth elf going through a dark phase. “You make it work,” I tell her.
She giggles, then walks over to admire the sleigh with Tzul by her side. “I feel like if I touch this I’ll fall through space,” she says, and I know the artist will enjoy hearing those words, when next we speak.
“It’s missing something, though,” she says.
“What’s that?”
She looks up at me, her big blue eyes red-rimmed, a sure sign of the encroaching sleepiness. “We still need reindeer.”
“I don’t have any,” I say, “but I have something even better. Come, let me show you.”
Mandy shakes her head. “First, you need to getyourcostume on.” She’s very solemn and serious as she says this, and though I have no intention of dressing like that overgrown elf, I find I can’t say no as Tzul walks over and hands me a bag. “For you, Master.”